Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Water Wise Gardening Class Offered By North Plains Groundwater Conservation District

Are you interested in learning how to have the beautiful landscape that you've always dreamed of, while being a responsible steward of the area's precious water resources? This topic will be covered at the Water Wise Gardening Class to be held on April 9th at North Plains Groundwater Conservation District.

Former Texas Master Gardener Bob Hatton will provide a framework of information that will allow you to customize your gardening experience to create the type of garden that fits your lifestyle. You will learn about the two most important aspects of gardening: soil preparation and watering practices, as well as the principles of xeriscaping. Hatton will explain how xeric, water-friendly practices can and should be applied as a natural part of responsible gardening in the Panhandle of Texas. The information will be equally relevant for the person who wants the lowest maintenance and lowest water-use landscape, and the person who wants to spend more time working on their garden or prefers a combination of low water-use and traditional plants. Water conservation achieved through these practical techniques can result in savings of time and money for homeowners and businesses.

The class is free to the public, and class attendees will receive free resources on water wise gardening and xeriscaping. The class will be held at the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District office at 603 East 1st Street in Dumas from 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon on April 9th. Persons interested in attending can contact Kirk Welch at 806-935-6401 to register for the class.

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