Monday, March 14, 2011

Capitol Press Conference: Representative Four Price joins Governor Perry in calling on the Federal Government to respect the United States Constitution

Price is a Coauthor of House Concurrent Resolution 50 by Representative Creighton

Today, Representative Four Price joined Governor Rick Perry at the State Capitol for a press conference calling on the federal government to respect state sovereignty and adhere to the 10th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Price is a co-author of House Concurrent Resolution 50 which strongly rebukes the federal government's continued and intentional infringement on states' rights. The 10th Amendment clearly provides, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Price is very pleased to have coauthored H.C.R. 50 because Price believes that our nation's founding fathers never intended for the federal government in Washington, D.C., to control every aspect of our lives.  "The federal government should do a few things and do them well," Price said. Instead of, for instance, protecting all of our country's borders, the folks in Washington seem more concerned with dictating to the states on matters that the 10th Amendment says are for the states to determine." Price further added, "We as Texans can best self-determine what curriculum should be taught in our public schools and what our state economic policies should be. We do not need Washington to tell us when they have miserably failed to do one of the main things the federal government is supposed to do -- protect our nation's borders."{{more}}

In addition to coauthoring H.C.R. 50, Price has authored and filed House Concurrent Resolutions 78 and 85 addressing the intrusion of the federal government into the purview of the state. 

House Concurrent Resolution 78 strongly objects to any attempt by the federal government to take ownership of Texas' water. Specifically, H.C.R. 78 voices opposition to the legislation in Congress that would amend the Clean Water Act by striking the word 'navigable' from the phrase 'navigable waters.' "The effect of striking the word 'navigable' would render all Texas surface waters, even the smallest creek and stream, under the control and sole ownership of the federal government," Price said. "Our message in H.C.R. 78 is crystal clear - Washington, don't mess with our state water," Price stated.    
Price also authored H.C.R. 85, which urges the U.S. Congress each time it passes a new federal law to state the constitutional authority for such federal law. "If our elected officials in Washington, D.C., were required to state the Constitutional basis supporting any proposed law, I believe we would see a lot less burdensome and overreaching laws being passed.  This would be a giant step forward in restoring the proper balance of power between federal and state governments."

President James Madison concisely stated, "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce."  

State Representative Price represents Carson, Moore, Potter, and Sherman counties.  He is the only member from the region serving on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Culture, Recreation & Tourism Committee.

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