Friday, March 11, 2011

Walk MS is a simple, but incredibly powerful way for you to share in the hope for the future.
Walk MS is a rallying point, a time and a place to stand together and to be together — to help raise critical funds that support cutting edge research, drive change through advocacy, facilitate professional education and provide programs and services to help people with MS move their lives forward.
Join the Walk MS Movement. Register Today.
Be there. Because every movement you make and every dollar you raise supports the mission to create a world free of MS.

Here are the local MS walks:
Saturday, April 09: Perryton and Clovis
Saturday, April 16: Amarillo
Saturday, April 30: Borger and Dumas

I have MS, but MS doesn't have me!

Why I Fight MS

In the past, I have supported this organization as I had an Aunt who suffered from Multiple Sclerosis.

However just recently, I myself have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

Having multiple sclerosis means that you may not be able to walk when you wake up. Or that you may

suddenly have impaired vision. Or that your memory will fail you for no apparent reason. The symptoms

of MS are different, and devastating, for everyone - the only certainty is that it will affect yet another

person every hour of every day.

Why Do I Walk?

I've registered for the MS Walk because I want to do something for the people who have been

diagnosed - including myself - and because I want to do everything to prevent more people

from learning what it means to live with this disease. Today, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis,

and with a diagnosis occurring most frequently between the ages of 20 and 50, many individuals

face a lifetime filled with unpredictability.

Why Should You Sponsor Me?

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society will use funds collected from the MS Walk to not only

support research for a cure tomorrow, but also to provide programs which address the needs

of people living with MS today. Because we choose to walk for those who sometimes can't,

because we choose to donate to the MS Walk, we are getting closer to the hour when no one

will have to hear the words, "You have MS."

My life and MS

I have MS but MS doesn't have me!

Yeah, I will admit, knowing that I have MS sucked! But, I know that the Lord has a plan...and is

using me as a testimony in some form or fashion. I am not sure for whom or what at this point in

my life so I take each day in stride. I change the way I do things at times and I work hard to

understand what my disease means. Giving myself shots is not appealing but I do it. I know

that with family/friends will all be okay. No reason to be down...just take one day at a time!
by LaDawn Baten 

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