Monday, March 7, 2011

Representative Price is pleased to announce that he has completed assembling his staff team.  
"I am very pleased to have brought together a team of much sought after professionals who have sharp public policy 'know-how' and tremendous people skills." Price said.   Price named Hal Talton chief of staff and general counsel, Katharine McAden legislative director, Dana Parish communications director, and Liza Shelton district director.
This is the fifth legislative session for Hal Talton as a chief of staff and general counsel having previously served in that capacity for retiring State Representative Dan Gattis of Georgetown. "I am very delighted Hal accepted my offer to serve as my chief of staff and general counsel. The depth of Hal's public policy knowledge and his reputation for dedication to public service and integrity are highly regarded throughout the Capitol. He has the proven ability to quickly transform a new staff into a well-functioning and hard charging team, which has already well-served my constituents," Price said. Talton earned a law degree from the Leflar School of Law at The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and undergraduate and graduate degrees in business administration from Texas A&M University, Texarkana. Recently, he completed graduate certificate course work in healthcare administration at Texas State University. In addition to his years of public service, Talton worked in the private business sector and in private law practice for several years.  He maintains his Texas law license in active and good standing.
Katharine McAden brings to her role as legislative director many years of public policy experience. "I am well pleased Katharine is serving as my policy point person this session. She has keen insight, and her ability to break down complex issues is remarkable," commented Price. "Katharine's professionalism is known by many public officials, and her interpersonal skills will be of tremendous benefit to advancing my legislative goals," Price further stated. McAden worked for United States Senator John Cornyn for several years, including serving as his regional deputy director in Austin. She holds an undergraduate degree in public relations from the University of Texas at Austin and was a mortar board honor society member.
Dana Parish, a magna cum laude English major from Texas Tech University, brings to Representative Price's office her superior writing and verbal skills in her role as communications director. "Timely, responsive, and accurate communication with my constituents is essential to my serving them well. I am glad that Dana heads up this essential component of our office," Price stated. "Dana also has a keen understanding of the Panhandle as she graduated from an area high school," commented Price. Parish's policy experience, having worked in the capitol office of Congressman Sam Johnson and as regional development officer for the Leadership Institute in Arlington, Virginia, will significantly aid her in her communications role.
Liza Shelton, an Amarillo native, serves as the district director. "Liza brings tremendous enthusiasm to her role as district director. She understands the area and our way of life in the Panhandle. In the short time she has been on board, Liza has already made contact with many constituents, civic organizations and many area employers," Price said. "Liza is a young leader. She was such at Tascosa High School and continues to be very involved civically on her own initiative," Price further said. Shelton completed her degree in communications studies from the University of Texas at Austin, with a concentration in Spanish, in three years and with academic honors. Prior to joining Price's staff, she worked in corporate communications and in Congressman Mac Thornberry's office.
Representative Price represents Carson, Moore, Potter, and Sherman counties.  He is the only member from the region serving on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Culture, Recreation & Tourism Committee.    

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