Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Care Net

The Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Dumas offers the hope of Christ to individuals facing unplanned or unwanted pregnancies.  This Christ centered ministry reaches out to families in crisis in truth and love, teaching the sanctity of life while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Free pregnancy tests, peer counseling, abortion education, post abortion counseling, adoption information, abstinence counseling, prenatal/parenting classes, fatherhood classes, bible studies, and material assistance are some of the many services offered that empower women and men to choose life.              

Saving lives and changing hearts is our desire; our vision is always expanding to accommodate the increasing need in the community. In 2010 we served over 200 individual clients, not including their children and families.  That adds up to more than 600 visits in our center, an increase of 150 visits since 2009!   As a very active ministry, we have the hope to continue ministering in a way that will make a difference in Moore County.  It is with your help that we can do this.  Join us March 4th at 6:30pm and learn more about who we are and how you can be a part in this important mission.


Claire Culwell met her biological mother in March of 2009. Her birthmother told her that her life was a miracle.

Claire's biological mom became pregnant at the age of 13. Her mother took her to an abortion clinic where she had a surgical abortion. A few weeks later she realized she was still pregnant so she found an out-of-state late-term abortion clinic to do a second abortion. At the clinic they informed her she had been pregnant with twins . . .ONE WAS ABORTED; ONE SURVIVED. They said it was too late to do a second abortion. Claire was born 2 weeks later.

Claire was born 2 1/2 months early. She weighed 3 lbs. 2 oz. and was placed on life support. Her hips had been dislocated and her feet were turned inward - all because of the abortion. She was adopted shortly after birth by an amazing family who she wouldn't trade for the world!

Claire now tells her story and speaks up for the unborn so that they can receive the same gift of LIFE she has! She shares her story of survival at many churches and pro-life events and was recently featured in an interview with Focus on the Family. Claire's life is a miracle and true testimony that God has plans for each and every person. The only explanation for Claire's survival is God's mercy and love.

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