Monday, March 7, 2011

Meat Of The Matter - City Commissioners Meeting

Mayor Pat Sims called the City Meeting to order with the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance given by Michael L. Funk.  There were no attending citizens with business other than those on the agenda.
Consent agenda was approved for February 22, 2011 Special City Commission minutes and the paying of the bills.
In the Formal Session of the city meeting Mark Graves requested a variance to allow his family to continue to graze livestock on the land that they had leased from Blackburn Land & Energy, LLC.  This is the estate of Floyd Blackburn who had sold frontage properties to several business and a church on 287 south of Dumas.  In 2008 the land was annex into the City of Dumas according tof Ordinance No. 1035 annexing property South of Dumas, West of Highway 287, further described as a 337.09 acre tract of land out of Sections 195 and 226, Block 44, H.T.& C.R.R. Co. Survey, Moore County, Texas.  Because of being annexed in to the city another ordinance that prohibit grazing of cattle within the city limits was in effect.  A motion to grant a variance to the Graves to graze cattle was made and approved subject to further development of this land.
 Stan Stroebel requested funding for improvements made to Dumas Youth Baseball-Softball Association ball fields. The commissioners did agree to split the cost of $15,920 for cutting out the infield, adjusting the sprinkler heads, cutting a new baseline, new sod and building up the pitcher's mound.  The motion passed to pay $7,960 for field renovations.  Stan Stroebel also discussed sharing cost of a net that would protect the spectators from being hit by a foul ball.  Commissioners discussed the possibility if a reasonable price for the netting could be found.
The City of Dumas Commission appointed Becky Rivera as Presiding Judge of the Special  Election on May 14, 2011 and Jackie Wiswell as the Alternate Presiding Judge.
Cyndi Catano was approved to be on the Park Board. 
Commission went into a Work Session to review settlement of Xcel/SPS rate case which required no action on their part.

This is the third time the Commissioners went to Executive Session  to consider matters related to the lease agreement for the golf course restaurant
Texas Government Code Section 551.071 - Attorney Consultation;
Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property; Section 551.074 - Deliberation
Regarding Personnel Matters
1. Attorney Consultation:
a. Concerning matters related to lease agreement for golf course restaurant

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