Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dogie Days From A Kids Perceptive

Kyle Stroebel, Ryan Riggins, Josh Turner and Devan Running
Have you ever thought about Dogie Days from the perceptive of kids?  What kind of questions do you think they would ask?  Good Ones! Of course. 
Mrs. Nicole Clark's 3rd grade Pegs GT class did a survey of other elementary classes to see what their favorite activity is to do in Dumas.  These 3rd graders sent out 360 surveys and got back 214 surveys and the result was Dumas Noon Lions "Dogie Days".  The four student above are working on a Dogie Day brochure for kids.
Here are some of the questions that these and other students asked:
  1. What is the purpose of Dogie Days?
  2. When does it happen?
  3. What is the money used for?
  4. Is there anything kids would want to know about Dogie Days?
  5. What are some other fundraisers that Lions Club does?
  6. Who is the manager of Lions Club?
  7. Can kids be in Lions Club?
  8. What is a Lion?

Some questions are easy to answer and some required some thought.  The first four questions were asked in relations to the Dogie Day Brochure and the rest was from the inquiring students.
The answer to the first question was to raise money for local charities but it was originally started to help the local boy scouts. According to the Dumas Noon Lions Website it was to help Llano Estacado Boy Scout Council to aid the Don Harrington Ranch home in scouting.

Dogie Days this year is June 8-11 of 2011 but they try to have it start the second Wednesday of each June.

The money is used to help over 40 nonprofit organization locally, statewide, nationally and around the world but mostly in Dumas.

What would kids want to know about Dogie Days? That it is fun and it helps local charities especially when you play games and buy food from the Lions on the south end of the midway.

The Dumas Noon Lions Club does have other fundraisers other than Dogie Days.  In October they have a Car Show and Arts/Craft Show.  They have a Election Night Pancake Supper every other year.
The manager of the club would be the President who the club calls their Boss Lion.  This year the Boss Lion is Tom Ferguson who is the owner of Ad Rem Land Co. Dumas Noon Lions Club also has three Vice Presidents which the 1st vice president is called the Head Wrangler.  The Head Wrangler actually is the person who heads up Dogie Days and this year it is Alexa Maples who works for Moore County Campus of Amarillo College.
Kids can be seen sometimes helping their parents or grandparents at Dogie Days but there is a youth group called Leos that is part of the local Lions Club.  
Leo clubs are designed for young people between 12 and 18 years of age.  

What is a Lion??  Good question!  What do you think a Lion is?  Lions International started in 1917 by Melvin Jones and is best know for fighting blindness.  Lions International is the largest service organization in the world.  Dumas Noon Lions Club is in the top five largest clubs in the world with 230 members.  Lions Club motto is "We Serve" which can be seen in action each year when the Dumas Noon Lions comes out in strength to put on it's annual event called Dogie Days.

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