Thursday, January 27, 2011

Harry Haines Spoke At Dumas Noon Lions At Lunchtime On Thursday

Harry Haines spoke at Dumas Noon Lions Club about two of his latest books, Collusion and Texas Panic.  Harry sent the High Plains Observer Dumas his Bio and we would like to share this with you so you can know more about him.

Harry H. Haines started out as (we kid you not) a trombone player.  Trombone led to band directing.  Band directing led to a doctorate and college teaching.  University work and today’s “publish or perish” environment led to fifteen books, all nonfiction, most about music teaching.  (One of Harry's book was about band and the Dumas ISD actually used his book for teaching band students)

Harry liked writing and in 1998, when he retired from teaching at WTAMU, he decided to try writing fiction.  It looked easy.  Twelve years and three books later, he has the battle scars to show that it was anything but.  He attended the Iowa Summer Writers Festival four times, the Maui Writers Conference/Retreat three times, and several dozen writers' workshops located all over the country.  And he entered an uncountable number of fiction contests.  He failed a lot but his manuscripts have won four, big, international contests.  Two of those novels have been published a third will be released in fall, 2010.

Orphan, a story about horse racing, was published in 2008.

Texas Panic, the prequel, features the same setting, same protagonist, and a battle to save America’s beef industry.  It was published in 2009.

Collusion, a thriller that is completely different, is the story of a Harvard accounting professor who is hired by the world’s largest energy corporation to investigate why the company went bankrupt.  Publication is set for October, 2010.

Harry and his wife Shirley (a retired librarian) live in Canyon, Texas. They have three grown children, to whom Collusion is dedicated.

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