Monday, January 3, 2011

Don Parsons Tendered Resignation At City Commission Meeting

Don Parsons tendered his resignation at Monday, January 3, 2011 city meeting.  Don due to city policy that a Commissioner can not be in office if a relative works for the city, tendered his resignation effected January 14, 2011.  Don won the office of City Commissioner on May 8, 2010 with every intentions of keeping his office for the elected time.  But life has a funny way of being LIFE.  Don's son Dustin applied for and will start work on January 4, 2011 for the City of Dumas in a new position in the IT Department.  Don who is a retired educator and business man did not want to stand in his son's way of working for the City if offered the position.  Dustin received the offer of a job and Don is stepping down.
Even though Mr. Parsons has only been a commissioner for seven months he has a high regard for the city employees.  Don said Monday night, "The City of Dumas is in good hands."  

Good luck Don and keep those fishing pictures coming in to the HPO!

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