Friday, January 7, 2011

All Dumas ISD Staff Meet Wednesday Afternoon To Learn What Mark Stroebel Expects

Dumas ISD School District Superintendent, Mark Stroebel held an all district staff meeting to let the DISD staff know what he expects of them and what they can expect of him.  Mark started his meeting by recognizing the School Board for the work they do for the School District.  January is School Board Appreciation Month so the attending board members were asked to come to the stage to be recognized.

Jordan Mills, Kirk Pope, Kevin Weatherford and Patti Willis
Board members that were not in attendance were Joe Ballard, Johnny Schmucker and Brett Clark.

"Why are we here"? Mark Stroebel said Wednesday afternoon when he address the Dumas ISD Staff.  A voice rang out from the audience "To Learn"!  'That's right", said School Superintendent Mark Stroebel, that had to be a Jr. High teacher to say that because it was the motto when I was at the Jr. High.  "Yes you are right were here to learn and you are going to learn who I am and what I stand for.  Just because my title has changed...the person hasn't."  Mark commented that isn't about him it is about what he wants for the staff, to have as a vision so he asked some very special people to join him on stage.  The students represented every DISD campus, all grades, all colors, mostly in the district and the handicap because this is what we are about.  Each student was asked to tell the audience what they expected of the Dumas ISD.
Mark Stroebel, Superintendent, Alayna Davis and her father, Shane Davis, Abril Erives and her mother, Leticia Erives, Collin Ford, Makalie Garcia, Macie Medrano, Kami Woodman, Zach Stovall, Brianna Mendoza, Joseph Estrada, Christian Rhoades, Kevin Heaton, Jordan Hutcherson, Cecy Borunda, Hollie Burrus and Jessica Hise, Cactus Teacher
The answers from the youngest to the oldest was awe inspiring but what a common theme, "To Learn".  Every student had great comments and expectations but one young student expressed it very well.  Macie Medrano a third grader at Morningside Elementary School said this, "I expect my school and my teacher to teach me the importance of being responsible and to help me get ready for college by giving me the best education for a bright future.

Foundation has been set a long time ago so all that is necessary is to stay the course and support each other with an open mind.  Dumas ISD has always risen to the occasion.  "We Are A Team".

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