Monday, December 6, 2010

Sts Peter And Paul Parish Offers ESL Classes

Sts. Peter and Paul Parish has been busy since the 20th of September. They are now offering English as a second language.  The students actually entered a classroom for the first time on the 20th of September.  A lot of time and effort went into getting this new ESL classroom ready before that.  You have to get volunteers; they have sixteen volunteers that help with three different classes.  The classes are Monday and Wednesday from 9 am to 11 am, 1 pm to 3 pm and an evening class 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  You have to computers; Valero donated computers to the Parish for the students to learn English.  You need a software program to help teach the students; Swift donated meat to the Parish which they in turn raffled to earn the money to buy the need software.  You need chairs to sit in; the Knights of Columbus donated the chairs.  The rest of the room was finished with need items by the Parish.  That was the start of a brand new program in Moore County.

"Any one is welcomed to be a part of this new program but they might have to wait awhile",  Rose Anne Langevin said "We have a waiting list of around 60 people."  Rose Anne was one of four volunteers working this Monday afternoon.  The other three volunteers this day was Marilu Duncan, Josh Elzner and Sharon Pack.  Each session has around ten students except for Ann Easterling's evening session which has eleven.  Most of the students are Hispanic with the exception of two students, one Burmese and one Frenchman.

All the students are doing well but there are few that are doing better. One of those are Daisy Villa.  Daisy in her new and improved English explained that she wants to be able to get a job and then get her GED.  The ESL classes will help her to achieve these goals. It is a fine thing when one can lift themselves up to achieve goals that might seem so simple to you or I but without these classes would be so hard for any of these individuals to achieve.

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