Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Request for CEU & CCA Credits For 2011 Crop Protection Clinics

Dates:  Jan 10th @ Dalhart, TX; Jan 11th @ Dumas, TX; Jan 12th @ Panhandle, TX; Jan 13th @ Spearman, TX; Jan 14 @ Goodwell, OK.  9:30 AM to 3:30 PM each day.
Request 5 total hours for CEU credits with 1 for drift Control and 1 for Laws & Regs.
Sponsored by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, DuPont, and Texas AgriLife Extension, and Oklahoma State University Extension.

Speakers & Topics:   

Topic 1:  "Strategic Irrigation Management Using Capacitance Probes"
Will cover how to use capacitance probes to schedule irrigation, increase water use efficiency for corn & cotton.  Dr David Sloan, principal agronomist for Aqua Spy; B.S in Ag from University of Sidney; PhD in Agronomy from University of Adelaide, Australia.   Request 1 credit for Soil and Water Management (CEU).   General credit for CEU,

Topic 2:  Weed management in Strip-Till:  Will discuss weed identification, economic threshold levels, and herbicide recommendations weed control in strip-till. Will coverer environmental conditions affecting drift, use of drift control adjuvants, and tank contamination issues. Jack Lyons, Regional Account Manager for DuPont, CCA (BS Chemical Engineering, Notre Dame,) & Dr. Rick Kochenower, OSU Area Research & Extension Specialist (OK meeting only)   Request 1 credit for Crop Management (CCA).  Drift Control credit (CEU).   

Topic 3: 2011 Market Outlook:  Will look at Marketing strategies & opportunities for wheat, feed grains, oil seeds, and cotton in 2011.   Dr Steve Amosson, Texas AgriLife Extension Economist.    Request 1 credit for Crop Management (CCA).  General credit for CEU.

Topic 4:  “Soil Fertility & Nontraditional Fertilizer Products”.  Will look at the nutrient requirements of the major crops on the Hi Plains and the use of nontraditional fertilizer products.   Will address environmental factors and application practices that can lead to leaching and runoff issues that can affect water quality.  Dr Mark McFarland, Texas AgriLife Extension Soil Fertility Specialist.  Request 1 credit for Nutrient Management (CCA).  General credit for CEU.
Topic 5:  Strip and Ridge Till Concepts:  Will cover latest concepts in reduced tillage for moisture and soil conservation.  Will address factors that can affect weed control, non target drift, and fertilizer efficiency in strip-till and importance of nitrogen timing on corn.  Dave Collins, Collins Agronomics (MS. Agronomy, Univ. of Nebraska).  Request 1 credit for Soil and Water Management (CCA). General credit CEU. (Partial for Drift)

Topic 6:  Water Laws & Regulations:  Will cover new water regulations being implemented by Ground Water Management Districts.  Steve Walthour; General Manager, North Plains Ground Water District.   Request 1.0 for Soil and Water Management (CCA). Credit for Laws& Regs (CEU).

Topic 7:  Herbicide resistance and control of grass in wheat: Will cover herbicide strategies to prevent weed resistance in high plains crops.  Will address importance of tank mix partners for preventing glyphosate resistance.  Will address how to avoid non target drift of pesticides. Will address new herbicide products for grass control in winter wheat.  Dr. Brent Bean, Texas AgriLife Extension Agronomist.  Request 1.0 credit for Crop Management (CCA).  General credit for CEU with ½ credit for Drift Control.   

Topic 8: Managing Corn Rootworms in Corn:  Will cover corn rootworm life cycle, economic injury levels, and control using Bt GMO products.  Will review refuge requirements and regulations for using Bt technology.  Dr. Robert Bowling, Pioneer Hi-Bred Agronomist (PhD, Kansas State University).  Request 1.0 credit for Integrated Pest Management (CCA).  General CEU credit with partial credit for Laws & Regs. 

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