Monday, December 20, 2010

The Dumas City Commission Meet Monday, December 20, 2010 6:30 P.M.

City Commission meet in Regular Session with Pro Tem Mayor David Bonner presiding.  When asked if there were any attending citizens and their business Bobby Doak introduce himself and asked each commissioner to tell who they were.  Bobby then explained to the commissioners he wanted to get to know them because he was going to ask to be on the agenda in the coming year and then Mr. Doak left the meeting.
Consent Agenda 1 and 2 were approved.

I. Consider approval of the December 6,2010 Regular City Commission minutes
2. Consider approval of paying the bills

All items under Formal Session were approved

I. Consider approval of sell of golf course 2 I6D Toro reel mower to Claude I.S.D.

2. Consider approval of joint tire collection/recycling project with Moore County

The county approached the city with project to allow county residents to dispose of tires
free-of-charge. The costs for the project will be reimbursed by a grant from High Plains
Resource Conservation and Development.  A program of the USDA/NRCS.
click here {{more}} to continue

The city is proposing to locate a trailer provided by State Rubber and Environmental
Solutions of Denver City inside the landfill drop-off area. All residents of Moore County
will be allowed to bring tires for disposal. The county will provide a person to help
monitor the facility and load the trailer. The city has initially planned for the program to last
about 30 days. but it could be extended if there is still demand.

This project will be a benefit to the city in two ways: 1) it will divert tires that would
normally receive, and pay to dispose of, into a program that will be paid for by
someone else; 2) will end up owning the trailer at no cost to the city and could
continue the service with State Rubber which is slightly less expensive than the tire
disposal company currently use.

3. Consider approval of Resolution No. 10-10 denying SPS rate increase request (See next story)

 Work Session

1. Discussed ethics policy as a proactive step.  No action was taken at this time just FYI for
    new commissioners.


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