Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thank You Officers

Safe Place, Inc. would like to thank the Officers of the Dumas Police Department, Cactus Police Department, Sunray Police Department and the Moore County Sheriff’s Office for their dedicated service to Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence in Moore County.
Safe Place, Inc. is a local Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Crisis Center located in Dumas that provides services to the residents of Dallam, Hartley, Moore and Sherman Counties. Dumas Police, Cactus Police and Moore County Officers work together with Safe Place, Inc. to ensure that victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault receive the services they need through referral, accompaniment to medical exams and legal assistance.
The dedication our local law enforcement officials show in their daily efforts to serve and protect our residents is amazing and often taken for granted.  Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we at Safe Place, Inc.  would like to take a moment to thank these officers for all they do for Safe Place, Inc., our community and especially for Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. 

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