Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Dumas City Commissioners were asked to purchase another grass rig for the Fire Department at Monday night's City meeting.  Larry Dutcher spoke on behalf of the Fire Department to inform the Commissioners about the grass rig that received damage.  The damage grass rig had been built by the firemen  in 1991 and it was a 1990 ford.  It had a special size bed on it which could be hard to replace with a standard  bed.  Dutcher said they believed the tank was still good on the damaged rig and that could be used on another rig.  "We are at the time of the year where we need another rig to fight fires." said Dutcher.  It was determined it needed to be replace but by the time a rig could be found and retro fitted it could be July before it was in commission.  The decision was made to start looking and come back with prices.

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