Sunday, September 12, 2010

Eating Out On Vacation

Going on vacation means trying new and wonderful food.  The kind you just can't wait to try for the first or maybe the second time.  But never did I think that I would get to try a Krystal burger after hearing about it for over thirty-five years from my nephew-in-law.  My nephew-in-law has raved how great these burgers have been all of these years.  This year I got the honor of going to New York state with my niece and her husband (the nephew-in-law) and of course we could not go through the state of Tennessee without having a box of Krystal burgers.  Now when I say a box of burgers that would be 24 of these itty bitty burgers that are the size of a biscuit.   I know I must have been very quiet when the nephew-in-law presented me with my very first Krystal burger. I could hold this burger with my thumb and forefinger with my little pinkie stuck out just so lady like.  Let's just say this one time experience has been enough for me.  Local food is always fun to try on vacation but I will take a big ole burger from any of Dumas, TX restaurants any day of the week.

I will say this about Krystal's history, I like the theory behind why and how they created this famous chain in Tennessee and the surrounding area and this should be the "Kreed" of all restaurants especially here in Dumas.

Iwas on October 24, 1932, when the nation's first Krystal restaurant opened its doors on the corner of Seventh and Cherry Streets in downtown Chattanooga amid the harsh financial times of the Great Depression. Its founders, Rody Davenport Jr. and J. Glenn Sherrill, believed that despite the severe economic upheaval of the times, people would patronize a restaurant that was kept spotlessly clean, provided courteous service and offered a good meal at the lowest possible price. 

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