Wednesday, February 23, 2011

DEDC Sells 5 Acres To ESCO In Dumas Business Park With City Commission's Approval

ESCO President and General Manager, Mike Stephens and Mike Running Executive Director of DEDC spoke to the City Commission at Tuesday night City Commission meeting.

Mike Running shared how several properties had been shown to Mike Stephens, President and General Manager, however none that seemed to adequately fill the needs of his company as the land DEDC was  willing to sell to ESCO so that they may build a new facility.  ESCO felt that a location in the Dumas Business Park was more appropriate as they preferred not to locate along a major thoroughfare since they do not sell to the general public, according to Mike Running. Lot S in the Dumas Business Park, across from Tri-State Ice, was chosen due to its advantageous location for their purposes.

ESCO estimated a new facility similar in size to their existing facility in Lubbock. The estimated cost of
construction would be around $500k for a new facility. Bids for construction were in excess of $1.5 million.  The proposed facility is approximately 20,000 square feet with a rear outdoor area for storage and truck access that is packed gravel. The front of the building would be paved for parking and they would like to be permitted xeroscape landscaping.

ESCO made an offer for the 5 acre property at $25k.  A job creation and capital investment incentive has been requested to help cover the added unanticipated expenses which includes the negotiated 10% landscaping coverage costs. In order to prepare the property for construction, DEDC will run electricity to Lot 5, but all other utilities are currently in place.

Total investment by ESCO for this project is $1,557,000 with an annual inventory of $1 to $2 million.
Three initial jobs will be created with an average annual salary of $32k and ESCO guarantees to hire
three (3) additional employees over the next four years for a total job creation of 6 people.

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