Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Price Leads Panhandle Day Resolution at State Capitol

Price Leads Panhandle Day Resolution at State Capitol

Representative Price honors Delegation from Panhandle on House Floor

            Today, Representative Four Price (HD-87) brought a Resolution to the Texas House Floor celebrating over 100 residents of the Texas Panhandle gathering in Austin and recognizing February 22, 2011 as Panhandle Day at the State Capitol.

           "We had a tremendous number of people make the trip down to Austin to celebrate our rich heritage, culture, and economy.  It was a wonderful opportunity for me to meet with familiar faces from back home and hear from constituents and community leaders on issues important to our region," said Representative Price. The delegation from the Panhandle included groups from Amarillo, Cactus, Dumas, Panhandle, Skellytown, Stratford, Texhoma, and White Deer, among others.

           Representative Price, in the House Chamber, personally recognized the delegation, including Mayor Debra McCartt, City of Amarillo; J. Patrick O’Brien, President of  West Texas A&M University; and J. Pat Richmond of the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce during the adoption of the Resolution.  Delegation members also took time to personally visit with Senators Duncan and Seliger and Representative Price in the afternoon.

"Today was truly a remarkable day at the Capitol. I started the morning in our first hearing of the House Natural Resources Committee listening to testimony from state agencies that have oversight over water issues. I then enjoyed seeing and greeting high school students and agriculture teachers from various chapters of Texas Future Farmers of America.  I also had great discussions with the many folks from my district who took time to visit my Capitol office to discuss issues that impact the lives of all Texans," Price further said.

            Representative Price represents House District 87, which includes Carson, Moore, Potter, and Sherman counties.  He is the only member from the region serving on the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Culture, Recreation & Tourism Committee.    

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