Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dumas City Commission Meet On Monday, February 7, 2011

Dumas City Commission meet on Monday, February 7th in Regular Session.  
 Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance - Vernon McDowell
Attending citizens and their business - None

Consent Agenda was approved for minutes for January 21st meeting, paying bills and issuance of $25,000 letter of credit to comply with regulations of the Railroad Commission of Texas concerning city gas wells.

 In Formal Session matter pertaining to landfill and solid waste operations was discussed in a public hearing after which new landfill was approved.

Celso Garcia's request for gas outside the city limits was tabled till more information could be provided by the city employees on the gas line on N. Dumas Ave.
Commissioners approved to have a Special Election on May 14, 2011 in order to elect Commissioner Place 3.

Purchase of shade structures for visitors center was discussed and tabled till next city meeting.  Sam Cartwright was asked to attend the next Parks and Recreation board meeting to share his thoughts on the surrounding grounds at the visitors center.

Annual homestead exemption for 2011 was discussed and commissioner Dr. Bonner wanted more information on cost to increase homestead exemption.

An agreement with Grant Construction Co. to excavate caliche from pit at golf course was approved pending finalizing details to the satisfaction of the golf course supervisor.  Supervisor wants the ability to shut down the operation if problems develop.

Resolution No. 11-04 will create a joint county-city airport zoning board which will exercise zoning authority around the airport in order to prevent obstructions and encroachments in airport operations.
You can see Resolution No. 11-04 located in Legal Notices on the right top of the HPO Dumas screen.
 John Joel and William Darcy were named to represent the city's interest of this zoning board.

Update was given by Milton Pax on the Ports-To-Plains and TxDOT forum.  This update was mainly given to let the city commissioners be aware that anytime they had the ear of one of our local congressman or other local politician to let them know that our roads were our lifeline for commerce and needed to be kept in good repair.
Executive Session - Texas Government Code Section 551.071 - Attorney Consultation; Section 551.072 -
Deliberation Regarding Real Property; Section 551.074 - Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters
1.  Attorney Consultation:
      a. Concerning matters related to lease agreement for golf course restaurant

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