Monday, November 22, 2010

The Student Crime Stoppers program is run by a board consisting of 12 students. The school liaison officer, DISD Chief Of Police Larry Payne act as an advisor to the student board. The Student Crime Stoppers Board works with the Dumas Police Department and other local law enforcement to help solve any student crimes. The board meets once a month to decide on the amount to pay for each reward. The board also does fund raising programs throughout the year. The Student Crime Stoppers helps with the United Way banquet each year helping to set up the meeting place each year.
Student Crime Stoppers, established in 1995, offers rewards for any information that leads to an administrative action or criminal charge. The specific objectives of Student Crime Stoppers is to prevent crime and to solicit information that will solve crimes.
One of the goal of the Student Crime Stoppers is to start a Gang Unit with each law enforcement agency represented.

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