Monday, November 8, 2010

Four Price Speaks At Networking Breakfast For Dumas Chamber of Commerce

Four Price spoke of a historic night last Tuesday night.  Price spoke of how 85% of the folks in the panhandle of Texas help put republicans into office.  It is possible that of 150 seats in the house that 100 of the seats could be held by republicans which is two thirds of the house.  Four Price feels privileged to have the opportunity to serve the people of District 87 and be apart of such a historical election night.
"We got enormous challenges facing the State of Texas", says Four Price.  "These are challenging times because of the issues the state faces."  Price believes he was elected to be a leader not a follower and he is prepared to make tough decisions that well take these challenges and turn them into opportunities.  Policies that are in place that Four Price wants to keep in place are the low tax environment, predictable regulatory pro business environment that is attracting people from all over the country to move to Texas.  We need to protect our rural interest because of the impact on the state's economy, to protect the tort reform that were put in place in 2003 and to continue to improve our public education system.  
Price mentioned some of the problems that will be faced in the next legislature.  The balance budget requirement that the state of Texas has is a good one stated Price.  The state has a requirement that the   state balances its budget every two years whenever the legislature meets.  There could be a huge deficit or an anticipated shortfall as Price calls it, is where our revenue as a state have been declining but our spending for the state is the same.  So the goal is to reduce the spending to balance the budget without raising taxes is the goal of the newly elected representative.  Price will be on the lookout for proposals disguised as fees and taxes.
Another problem facing the legislature will be redistricting.  Four Price said he would love to see us maintain three Representatives for the panhandle area and that it could be possible.
Education issues is another item facing the legislature and Four Price did mention what an outstanding job that Larry Appel has done in an area where over 12 languages are spoken.  Kudos was also given to Amarillo College in its abilities to keep students here and involved in school.
Border security issues will also need to be addressed in the next legislature.  It is really a matter of safety for our citizens in the State of Texas.  It is shocking to find Ranchers that are afraid to go out on their property after dark because of the activities taking place.  The federal government is not doing the job that it should be and our state can allocate money for this but there is not a lot of money for it.
Water and natural resources should be promoted and protected at the same time.  These are some of the issues that will be seen in the next legislature.
Once Four Price had won his election people came up to him and suggested that he take a moment to reflect back over the year and savor this moment because regardless that he won one time or if he won a dozen time the first time will mean so much.  Reflecting back Four Price said one of the best events he attended was the Boot Scootin' Gala put on by the Moore County Hospital and he would do it again. One funny thing that Four Price shared with the crowd was when he attended the Sunray Funday and was in line to purchase his ticket when a lady motioned him over.  This was the moment he knew she had recognized him as a candidate running for District 87, but what a surprise when she asked him if he was the Four Price that grew up in Amarillo by Amarillo College.  He said Yes I did.  The lady said I know you, you have two sisters and forty-two years ago I changed your diaper.  Yes the crowd laugh as hard as you are right now.  Great way to end the meeting letting us know that he is just like us and no matter the situation he is humbled to be serving for us.

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