Thursday, November 18, 2010

Leos go to State Convention

Photo courtesy of Janan Grice
On November 12th, 13th and 14th, four Dumas Leos went to the convention for Leos from across the state.  Christian Rhoades - President,  Julian Boggs - VP, Karlene Arias - Treasurer, Teagan Thompson - Secretary.  The Leo Convention took place in Austin, Texas  at the Embassy Suites Arboretum. The Dumas Leos were one of two middle schools, the rest being high school students. 
The kids went to break out sessions all three days that included  presentations by different Lion associations from around the state.   There were lots of sessions that were Leo led, and those were team building exercises to bring back to their schools. The Dumas Leos learned about lots of community service projects and how to get them started. The great thing was that the Dumas Leo Club already does about 90% of the projects that were presented.
There was a dance on Saturday night for all of the Leo Clubs and the Dumas Leos really seemed to enjoy the dance because no sponsors were allowed.  The Dumas Leos will be doing a program for the Dumas Noon Lions Club to share all that they learned.
Every school had to bring a centerpiece that represented their idea of  'A Beacon of Hope.'  Dumas Leos was the only club that was totally student built and put together.  Leo Sponsor, Janan Grice said, "I was proud of the kids for their ideas".  "I liked the 'HOPE' floating in the water". All of the supplies were school donated and worked on in the Art studio. Grice said, "We did not have one store bought thing on there. the Leos even went to woodshop to build the top". "I was and am very proud of them".

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