Monday, November 1, 2010

Safe Place

Safe Place, Inc. is a non-profit Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Program, providing services in Moore, Dallam, Hartley, and Sherman counties; with a service area of 4,200 square miles and a population of over 35,000 people.  Safe Place, Inc. is the only domestic violence / rape crisis center in our service area.  They provide victims and their children with:  Emergency shelter, clothing and food needs, crisis counseling, support groups, educational classes, advocacy, and access to local and state resources Safe Place, Inc. provides Prevention based educational classes, to the general public which includes:  Focus groups, social norms, cultural diversity, community dynamics, and collaboration to end violence.

Safe Place, Inc. has a significantly successful track record that has been building over the past twenty years.  Safe Place Inc. exists to assist victims in achieving their full potential, making healthy choices, and living a life free of violence.
Safe Place, Inc.’s “motto” is to keep moving forward, continuing a proactive stance of advocacy, while educating our communities about breaking the social stigmas associated with all forms of violence.  Together we can all make a difference by working together to inspire change.

Victims find help at Safe Place Inc with locating jobs, preparing resumes and gaining employment skills.
Essential Education Services
At Safe Place Inc. victims are given the opportunity to enroll in Parenting Classes, Anger Management Classes, Healthy Relationship and Self Esteem Support Groups.
Community Education
Provide education to local civic groups and organizations about the effects of domestic violence and sexual assault

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