Monday, September 27, 2010

On Monday, September 27, 2010, Moore County United Way had its kickoff banquet with Mayor Debra McCartt as the speaker at this year’s event. Sponsor and host for 17th year in a row were the Dumas Board of Realtors. Tom Ferguson's and his crew cook the steaks and the Realtors served the meal. United Supermarket provided the vegetables and dessert with Lowe's Supermarket providing bread and condiments.

Milton Pax introduced the Officers of the United Way Board who are:
President - Joaquin Holguin
1st Vice President - Greg Thompson
Treasurer - Jeff Turner
United Way Director – Ivy Maye Porter
And then the rest of Board was asked to stand and be recognized. Milton Pax who is the 2010/2011 Drive Chairperson gave a run down on the seven top corporate givers of last year’s campaign.

2009-20l0 Recap: Last year’s goal was $500,000 and volunteers and corporate companies raised $501,250 and the top givers are:
7. United Supermarket Total $5,121 of which corporate giving was $2,362 + employees giving of $2,759
6. Pioneer Natural Resources Total $5,380 and corporate was $2,690 + employees $2,690 - corporate matches 100%
5. Xcel Energy (SPS) TOTAL $5,381 with corporate giving $2,690.52 + employees $2,690.52-corporate matches 100%
4. City of Dumas Employees $6,112
3. Moore County Hospital District Total $17,641 - All from employees
2. JBS Swift & Company Total $23,163 all from the employees
1. Valero Energy Total $387,588 corporate $129,196 plus employees $258,392 and corporate matched 50%
This year’s goal is $525,000 which is 24,000 more than what was raised last year but the United Way officers and board are confident that Moore County residents and businesses will step up to the plate.

Debra McCartt has served as City Commissioner from 2001-2005. She was elected Mayor of Amarillo in 2005. Since that time, Debra has taken an active role in her position as Mayor. She is employed by Texas Tech School of Medicine as the Senior Director of Community Relations. She is the 2008-2009 President-Elect of the Texas Municipal League; a member of the Texas Municipal League Board of Directors; Texas Department of Information Resources Board; Laura W. Bush Women’s Advisory Board; Center City of Amarillo board member; Eveline Rivers board member, Amarillo Chamber of Commerce member; Amarillo College Community Links Board, Panhandle Regional Planning Commission board, and the Panhandle Workforce Development Consortium’s Governing Body. Debra has been a United Way volunteer and feels that this has helped her be a better city commissioner and Mayor. Mayor McCartt suggested that everyone should spend just a half day volunteering at each agency and you would realize the need for United Way funding. McCartt spoke of her experience of spending 24 hours as a homeless person when the United Way of Amarillo and Canyon asked her to and then share her experience. Debra urged United Way volunteers at the banquet no to take NO for an answer when asking for contributions. We are the faces of United Way to be caring, giving and to be the reason and purpose.

Milton Pax closed the banquet stating that our community is judged by how we help our fellow man.

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