Thursday, September 30, 2010

Latest on car wreck on 287  

Traffic is back open on Highway 287 after a car crash Thursday evening.
The Department of Public Safety says a woman and her passenger were driving along 287, near the Potter County Line, just after five.
Investigators say a man was changing his radio, not paying attention, and hit the red car in the rear as the woman was pulling her car over after a flat or blow out happened.
The woman is six months pregnant.
She was taken by LifeStar to the hospital. Her passenger was taken by ambulance.
The other driver, was not hurt.

U.S. 287 is now closed to all north and southbound lanes of traffic due to a large accident near the Crawford Ranch north of Amarillo. Scanner traffic says a woman who is 6 months pregnant was involved in the crash. 

 My opinion is this about our college, "The Staff is the Key to a Successful Student".   Upon hearing Dr. Matney speak today at Dumas Noon Lions Club I would like to add to that statement this thought, "Good leadership results in great staff who are the key to a successful student."

Dr. Paul Matney Guest Speaker At Dumas Noon Lions Club

Dr. Paul Matney became the 13th president of Amarillo College in July of 2009.  Dr. Matney literally got his start at Amarillo College, his place of employment for the past 30 years.  Matney spent his first year in higher education at Amarillo College, where he received a solid academic foundation.  He next attended the University of Texas at Austin, he then went on to earn a master's degree in speech communication from West Texas State University. Dr. Matney then became an instructor and director of radio and television.  While working at WTSU, Matney worked first for KVII-TV as a weatherman on weekends and later on KAMR-TV.  He also worked in sales for KGNC Radio during that time.  Matney came back to Amarillo College in 1979, accepting a job as instructor of mas communications and a year later named to chair the Language, Communication and Fine Arts Division.  He completed his doctoral studies at Texas Texas University in 1989 where he was made a full professor at AC.
In 2004, Matney was named associate vice president and dean of instruction at AC, and a year later he moved to vice president and dean of instruction following the retirement of Dr. Gene Byrd.  In 2008, Matney was named acting president of Amarillo College, a responsibility compelled by the illness and passing of President Steven Jones.

I tell you all of this about Dr. Paul Matney because with all of his credentials he cares for each and every student that steps on AC's campus.  Every opportunity is given to any student expressing a desire to go to college with Amarillo College staff making sure that the student succeed if an individual is willing to work hard to make the grades.  In May at a brunch given to the graduates I heard story after story of how supportive the staff was in helping those students to be able to graduate.  The students are given a friendly, learning environment where the students can thrive academical.  One of the reason for the great staffing is because of the Student Support Service area in Amarillo College which was the result of a five year grant.  This grant helps first generations students and low income students to be successful in college.  I listen to students tell heart wrenching stories of how they felt like an underdog but thanks to staff they know that they can do anything they set their mind on.  I think this attitude from staff comes from the top down to our local AC campus. 

 My opinion is this about our college, "The Staff is the Key to a Successful Student".   Upon hearing Dr. Matney speak today at Dumas Noon Lions Club I would like to add to that statement this thought, "Good leadership results in great staff who are the key to a successful student."
Car Show this Weekend 
Visit the Arts and Craft Show this Friday and Saturday
Fender Bender happened during lunch time on Thursday at 6th and Dumas Ave.  No one was hurt but the air bag was deployed on the white car.  Traffic could have been backed up if not for our Dumas Police Department who were on the scene and kept traffic moving in a timely matter.

 Dr. Covington's office was giving flu shots at the Moore County Health Fair today, Thursday, September 30, 2010.

As you can see this was a fairly painless procedure!!
Thanks Clarissa for not hurting me to bad.

You can still see your physician in their office for your flu shot.  I always get mine at the annual Moore County Health Fair.  They had a great turn out for this event.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We are the faces of United Way to be caring, giving and to be the reason and purpose.

Debra McCartt urged United Way volunteers at the banquet not to take NO for an answer when asking for contributions. 

We are the faces of United Way to be caring, giving and to be the reason and purpose.

Is your face missing here as a volunteer or contributor? 

Social Mention: What Are They Saying About You?

Per Eric Spellman

What are people saying about you online? Most people know they can Google their own name to find out what the search engines know. But Social Mention extends that search to Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and other social sites.
You can even use this site to monitor the social stream and email you with alerts when your name comes up.
Most businesses know they will receive a bad review at some point. After all, everyone makes mistakes. By using tools like Social Mention, you can maintain a proactive stance when problems arise. Customers are often surprised when they suddenly get contacted by a company they just complained about!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SPECIAL - 3 months for $100 - no enrollment - tan for rest of the year FREE 

F3 is excited to announce that 12 and up can now workout - so fitness can be fun for the entire family.

Fall Book Sale at the Moore County Library. Sponsored by Friends of the Library.
Oct. 7th from 9AM-8PM,
Oct. 8th, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM,
Sat. Oct. 9th 9:00-12:00 noon.

17th Year That Dumas Realtors Served At United Way Banquet

Monday, September 27, 2010

On Monday, September 27, 2010, Moore County United Way had its kickoff banquet with Mayor Debra McCartt as the speaker at this year’s event. Sponsor and host for 17th year in a row were the Dumas Board of Realtors. Tom Ferguson's and his crew cook the steaks and the Realtors served the meal. United Supermarket provided the vegetables and dessert with Lowe's Supermarket providing bread and condiments.

Milton Pax introduced the Officers of the United Way Board who are:
President - Joaquin Holguin
1st Vice President - Greg Thompson
Treasurer - Jeff Turner
United Way Director – Ivy Maye Porter
And then the rest of Board was asked to stand and be recognized. Milton Pax who is the 2010/2011 Drive Chairperson gave a run down on the seven top corporate givers of last year’s campaign.

2009-20l0 Recap: Last year’s goal was $500,000 and volunteers and corporate companies raised $501,250 and the top givers are:
7. United Supermarket Total $5,121 of which corporate giving was $2,362 + employees giving of $2,759
6. Pioneer Natural Resources Total $5,380 and corporate was $2,690 + employees $2,690 - corporate matches 100%
5. Xcel Energy (SPS) TOTAL $5,381 with corporate giving $2,690.52 + employees $2,690.52-corporate matches 100%
4. City of Dumas Employees $6,112
3. Moore County Hospital District Total $17,641 - All from employees
2. JBS Swift & Company Total $23,163 all from the employees
1. Valero Energy Total $387,588 corporate $129,196 plus employees $258,392 and corporate matched 50%
This year’s goal is $525,000 which is 24,000 more than what was raised last year but the United Way officers and board are confident that Moore County residents and businesses will step up to the plate.

Debra McCartt has served as City Commissioner from 2001-2005. She was elected Mayor of Amarillo in 2005. Since that time, Debra has taken an active role in her position as Mayor. She is employed by Texas Tech School of Medicine as the Senior Director of Community Relations. She is the 2008-2009 President-Elect of the Texas Municipal League; a member of the Texas Municipal League Board of Directors; Texas Department of Information Resources Board; Laura W. Bush Women’s Advisory Board; Center City of Amarillo board member; Eveline Rivers board member, Amarillo Chamber of Commerce member; Amarillo College Community Links Board, Panhandle Regional Planning Commission board, and the Panhandle Workforce Development Consortium’s Governing Body. Debra has been a United Way volunteer and feels that this has helped her be a better city commissioner and Mayor. Mayor McCartt suggested that everyone should spend just a half day volunteering at each agency and you would realize the need for United Way funding. McCartt spoke of her experience of spending 24 hours as a homeless person when the United Way of Amarillo and Canyon asked her to and then share her experience. Debra urged United Way volunteers at the banquet no to take NO for an answer when asking for contributions. We are the faces of United Way to be caring, giving and to be the reason and purpose.

Milton Pax closed the banquet stating that our community is judged by how we help our fellow man.
Blood Drive
Adult Scrabble Night
Thursday, September 30
4-8 p.m.
Come any time during the evening and play!

Vote Texas is a website to help you vote responsibly.  Visit it today.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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Thank you for your interest in learning more about voting in Texas. In our history, Texas has been governed by no less than six sovereign powers. As a result, Texans have learned the importance of speaking up — and one of the best ways to speak up is to vote.

That's why the Office of the Texas Secretary of State — the people charged with making sure voting in Texas is easy, transparent, and open to all - created this site. It’s full of information on how to register to vote, where to vote, what to bring, what the process is like, and much more. As to whom and what to vote for, well, that's where we rely on you!
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Frequently Asked Questions
contact us
Voting: when and where
Registration: When and where
Early Voting

Deadlines In Election 2010 To Remember

November 2, 2010 - Uniform Election Date
Authority conducting elections
County Clerk/Elections Administrator
*Local political subdivisions
**First Day to File for Place on General Election Ballot (for cities and schools ONLY) (filing deadline for other political subdivisions may vary)July 25, 2010
Last Day to Order General ElectionAugust 24, 2010
**Last Day to File for Place on General Election Ballot (for local political subdivisions ONLY)August 24, 2010
First Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail
(does not apply to FPCA)
September 3, 2010
Last Day to Register to VoteOctober 4, 2010 (moves to next business day, Monday)
First Day of Early VotingOctober 18, 2010 (moves to next business day, Monday)
Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail
(Received, not Postmarked)
October 26, 2010 (must be received, not merely postmarked)
Last Day of Early VotingOctober 29, 2010

*Local political subdivisions: county local propositions, cities, school districts, water districts, hospital districts, and any other local government entity that conducts elections. The majority of these elections are conducted on the May uniform election date.