Saturday, October 17, 2015

Valero Has Annual Cook-Off To End Their Successful United Way Campaign But This Year It Ends With Valero Employees Mourning Two Members of the Valero Family

Lauren Bird, VP and General Manager

Normally at the end of their annual BBQ Cook-off that marks the end of their United Way campaign there is a celebration atmosphere with prizes and giveaways.  Not so this year.  The McKee Valero employees did enjoy a feast of meats fit for a king but with sadness.

Lauren Bird, VP and General Manager of McKee Valero Refinery took this opportunity to speak the crowd gathered.  Lauren began by informing everyone gathered for this event that this BBQ cook-off is going to be different.  Mr. Bird said there would be no judging this year, no winners would be picked. Lauren Bird also said that random prizes for those who gave to the United Way campaign would be done separately and at another time.

Lauren spoke of the loss that the McKee Refinery has had this past week when they lost two employees on two separate days.  He said this as he tried to hold back his own tears.

This is what Lauren Bird had to say to his employees at the McKee Refinery.

"To everything there is a season
 A time to be born
 and a time to die
 a time to plant
 and a time to pluck that which is planted
 a time to mourn and a time to dance,
 a time for every purpose under Heaven
 a time to weep and a time to laugh."

"Now is not the time to laugh or to dance
 Now is the time to weep and to morn
 For those who have left."

"We are arranging for Grief counseling to be at the refinery on Monday morning.
Meanwhile each of us is processing through our grief as best as we can."

"So for now let us mourn those who mourn, give comfort to those who stand in need of comfort.
We pray for the families of the deceased.  And we seek to support each other in our grief."

Let us now remember and ponder the lives of Geraldo Hernandez and Jimmy Eads

Valero Employee's Cook-Off.  Great ending to a great United Way Campaign.

Valero employees enjoying the feast of meats.
Ben Maples of Valero and Ken Braun, Grocery Manager with United Supermarket.
Special guests at the Cook-Off  for Valero's United Way Campaign.
Some are board members of United Way, sine are agencies that receive 
United Way funding and others are County and City dignitaries.

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