Thursday, October 15, 2015

Local 4-H Members Give Back To Community

One Day 4-H is the Saturday of National 4-H Week. 4-H members from all over the Nation go out into their communities and counties to give back for all that has been given to them. Over 10,000 Texas 4-Hers participate in some type of community service project that day. This year, Moore County had three different service projects that were completed for One Day 4-H on Saturday, October 10.

            The Double D Community Club volunteered at Talon Point, which is a camp for disabled children. Children from all over the United States attend camp at Talon Point at no cost to them or their families. Double D was touched by their story and wanted to help out. 12 4-H members met early that morning to get started. They painted wheel chair ramps, hauled wood and cleaned up trash and debris that was lying around. While cleaning up at Talon Point, they also found out more about volunteering for individual camps, which is something they plan to do in the upcoming year.

Sunray Community Club had a town recycling day. They went to the homes of some of the elderly people in town to take their recyclable items to the City of Sunray Recycling Center. Four 4-H members and one Clover kid collected old phone books, empty plastic bottles, boxes and other recyclables that day. They were able to see inside of the center to see exactly what a recycling center looks like. Sunray 4-H plans to take a trip to the Recycling Center during business hours to see what all goes into recycling.

            The Texas Forest Service celebrated their 100th anniversary by donating Bur Oak Trees for the Texas One Day 4-H project. The Moore County Community Club was very eager to participate in this particular project. Three 4-Hers and five Clover kids planted a four foot tall Bur Oak Tree in front of the Killgore Memorial Library. The Moore County Junior Master Gardner club was able to dig the hole for the tree and learn about the different types of soils along with how to plant a tree. The Texas Forest Service also donated 20 seedling trees that were given to each of the participants. The JMG group plans to keep a seedling to show others haw to plant and care for a tree.
            Moore County 4-H is very proud of each and every one of the 4-Hers that worked so hard to give back for One Day 4-H. Not only were they helping others, but they were learning in the process. Thank you to everyone in the county that has made a day like this possible for our young people.

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