Monday, September 12, 2011

Give More To United Way-This Week's Agency Salvation Army

Our Purpose: "The purpose of The Salvation Army's Service Extensions is to raise funds and provide emergency assistance for people in a crisis situation in their local community." 

Each week The High Plains Observer will try to highlight an United Way Agency.  I got a chance to visit with the local rep for Salvation Army in Dumas.  Vicky Ellis who is the rep in Dumas was asked if she could give us any information that is going on right now and this is what she said," I am thankful for any amount of money donated to the Salvation Army.  Just last month I had 3 rent assists, 3 grocery assists, bought shoes and school supplies for 8 children and bought clothes and shoes for the 5 children and mom who lost their home to a fire in Cactus.

I don't think folks realize how many of our Moore County citizens come on tough times. What we do here in Moore County probably won't make the national news, but when someone is hungry and in need we try to be long as we have funds we will help. I hate when I have to tell someone that I cannot assist them because I don't have funds. When that happens I try to refer them to other agencies that might be able to assist them. Since everything I do is voluntary, 100% of donations can be used for relief for those in need. However, 10% (called a prorate portion) of United Way allocations will go to the Texas Salvation Army Headquarters to be used for disaster relief (like the current Texas wildfires), camps (Camp Hoblitzelle is NO charge for kids, but actually costs about $186 per child), Prison Ministry, Community Relations, etc.  We do not discriminate in who we assist, but we do try to make good decisions. I am grateful to my Board for their assistance and advice. They are awesome!"

I love it when someone tells me they really don't know what to say and then gems like this is received.  You can donate to the United Way this fall when they have their annual support campaign.  This year's speaker will be Representative Four Price.  

If you are an agency of United Way and would like your story told please email us at
We want to get every agencies story in between now and the end of the year.  

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