Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Regular Session was called to order and invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was given by Michael L. Funk.  Commissioners approved of the April 18, 2011 Regular City Commission minutes and paying the bills.

It was announced at the meeting that Cal Ripken ball fields would have no smoking signs posted and the coaches are asking that everyone obey the signs.

Sayroth Khotsouvanh had requested utilities outside city limits but did not show up to state his case so this item was not considered.
Approved of Ordinance No. 1083 to vacate, abandon alleyway for Happy State Bank - Second &Final Reading
Commissioners approved a program using volunteers consisting of the Citizens On Patrol to enforce handicapped parking regulations in areas that were properly marked
A discussion on natural gas contracting and pricing ended with the City Manager given permission to lock in the gas prices.

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