Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chamber Breakfast Scheduled For This Friday, May 6th

Friday May 6 is the next Networking Breakfast.  The breakfast will be held at the Dumas Noon
Lions Club Building at 7 a.m.  Jeff Turner, Chairman of the Board of our chamber and CEO
of Moore Count Hospital District and Dr. Roy Marokus, M.D. will be the guest speakers.
Dr. Marokus is heading up a new service being provided by MCHD.  The service is occupational medicine.  This new unit of the growing hospital will be able to provide great benefits to our area businesses and workforce.
Once again, the chamber’s Women’s Division will present the Good Neighbor Award and the Chamber's
Customer Service Award is to be presented.
Cost of the breakfast is $5.
Please call the Chamber at 935-2123 to RSVP.

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