Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Traffic did not have to be held up as the train seen in the middle photos speed underneath the newly opened US 87 railroad overpass in Dumas.  Officials say the overpass will help clear up traffic congestion in Dumas and give emergency workers total access to the area west of the BNSF tracks.  This is also the effect of the Ports to Plains Trade Corridor. More and more trucks are shifting from the I35 corridor to the Ports to Plains Corridor due to congestion issues. The overpass also opened sooner than expected but work is still under way with two lanes providing access.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scholarship Winners Announced By Branch 64 Of Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance

Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Branch 64, which is represented locally by Kirk Pope of Stidham Insurance Company, gives 3 scholarships each year.  This year scholarships recipients are Ana Acevedo, Adriana Garcia and Adrianna Jo Robertson.

Jackie Wiswell, Branch President
presents Ana with check
Ana Acevedo plans to study Occupational Therapy to be an assistant.  Ana has been involved with Varsity softball, Vice-President of Student Body and in the Varsity Choir and has received exceptional academics award.  She has been involved with Relay for Life, MS Walk, Highway Clean Up and her church, Latinoamericana.  One of Ana’s teachers has said, “She is an outstanding role model and leader that set an excellent example for her peers to follow.”  Ana’s parents are Antonio and Norma Acevedo.

Adriana receives her check from
 Branch President Jackie Wiswell
Adriana Garcia will major in Marketing/Medicine at Texas Tech University.  Adriana Garcia has received awards in Algebra II, Business Law and Go Getter as a Junior.  Extra-Curricular activities are JV softball, gifted and talented student, National Honor and CCD-Youth group.  Adriana has also been involved with NHS community service hours, MS Walk as well as Angel Tree.  Adriana has also been a great help to her parents who have had to devout a lot of time to her sister who had a dislocated hip and had to have hip replacement.  Ana has been able to maintain an “A” GPA while maintaining a job.  Adriana is one of three children to Oscar and Amanda Garcia.

Adrianna receives her $500 check from
Board President Jackie Wiswell
Adrianna Jo Robertson will be attending Texas Tech University where she will be majoring in Graphic Design.  Adrianna’s school activities include Salutatorian,  English 3 AP academic award, ranked second in class, Spanish III academic award, World History and more.  Extra-Curricular activities are 2010-2011 Student Council Representative, State Representative for Student Council, Varsity Choir, National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Vice President and UIL Spelling and Vocabulary and this is just what she achieved this past year there is so much more.  Adrianna’s community involvements are Meals on Wheels, Texas Trash Off, Dumas Junior High track meet, and community assistance program benefit-Haunted House, Special Olympics and more.  Adrianna parents are Richard and Verna Robertson

HOCHHEIM PRAIRIE FARM MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION is striving to be "First In Service To Rural Texans" by being the leading provider of property insurance for people in the rural towns of Texas.  www.hochheim.com

Friday, May 20, 2011

Moore County Health Foundation's Boot Scootin' Gala goes PINK in 2011 to raise funds for a digital mammography system in the fight against breast cancer.  Entertainment Starring:  Radney Foster
Save the Date!
Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
Friday, June 3, 2011
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
The Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program of the Texas Department of State Health Services is pleased to partner with Moore County Health Foundation in cooperation with Moore Health Families to offer an opportunity to learn and talk about comprehensive cancer control with prevention of major cancers.
Date: June 3, 2011
Time: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Local Host: Moore County Health Foundation and Moore Healthy Families in collaboration with the TCCCP and DSHS
Agenda: Welcome and Introductions 11:30 am – 11:35 am
Presentation 11:35 am – 12:30 pm
Discussion 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Presenter: James Langevin, M.D.
Topic: Cancer Prevention of Four Major Cancers
Location: First National Bank, 1201 E. 1st Street, Dumas, TX
Parking Information: Please park on the east side of the parking lot or on Morton Street.
RSVP: Please reply to this invitation by emailing your interest in attending to Ashleigh Wiswell: awiswell@mchd.net
Questions: Please contact Gayle Stowers at 806-934-7833 with any questions.
This meeting was coordinated by Moore County Health Foundation. Lunch is provided.

Monday, May 16, 2011

City Commissioners Give Final Approval On Community Development Grant Program

These nine projects were approved by the City Commissioners at the City Meeting on Monday night. Mike Running introduced each agency and they told the commissioners how they expected to spend money they would receive through the community development grant program disbursed by the DEDC.


This organization began in 2008 and provides therapeutic horsemanship through equine assisted activities to mentally and physically challenged persons, fostering independence and success in everyday life activities and social settings. They service Dumas and Moore County, and other cities are asking to use their services. The center is NARHA Registered. They wish to purchase an independent strides adaptive saddle, if approved. The Dumas EDC Board of Directors has approved $2,900 for this project.

Cowboy Classic Rodeo

This organization was formed over four years ago. They are the only TCRA  sanctioned rodeo in the immediate area. The organization brings in an estimated $6,000 of annual local sales from visiting contestants and spectators in August. They provide scholarships devoted to kids involved in 4H and FFA to help provide a education beyond high school in hopes of perpetuating a succession in our local agriculture industry. They wish to build a storage shed to keep all property at the  Rodeo Grounds, if approved. The Dumas EDC Board of Directors has approved $3,900 for this project.

AgriLIFE Extension Service

This organization is a non-profit organization that serves the educational curriculum needs of the citizens of Dumas and Moore County. They have two full-time paid staff and few part-time staff and a host of volunteers that make this program work as all programs must be self-sustained. They will purchase new technology to coincide with Dumas lSD, which consists of a big screen TV, a digital presenter, a mobi whiteboard, and other small items needed. The Dumas EDC Board of Directors has approved $8,000 for this project.

Dumas Education Foundation

This organization was formed to provide a "last money in" scholarship program guaranteeing access to a college education for every qualifying Dumas High School student. This program pays tuition, books and fees or up to 66 semester hours at Amarillo College Moore County Campus. This program has seen a tremendous growth of kids staying in Dumas and getting a two year degree. They wish to use funding for the purchase of text books for new students who particpate in the Quest Program.  The Dumas EDC Board of Directors has approved $8,100 for this project.

Dumas Youth Baseball/Softball Association

This organization was formerly called the Little League. In 2010, the name was changed and chartered with the Cal Ripken league beginning with this year's season. They currently have 528 players in Dumas. They wish to purchase safety netting for the fans and players. The Dumas EDC Board of Directors has approved $6,000 for this project.

YMCA of Moore County

This organization has been serving Moore County for over 50 years. They provide health facilities and family sport functions. They wish to improve the recreation field south of their facility, and make a better soccer field for training youth to prepare for High School athletics soccer program. The Dumas EDC Board of Directors has approved $11,100 for this project.
Sunray ISD Final Election Results

Kaj Overstreet 127
Cindy Morton 141
Merrill Harp 73

For 147
Against 60

Saturday, May 7, 2011

There was a traffic jam this afternoon at the River.  No official word yet as to what may have happened but Lifestar was reported to have been called to the scene.  More will be made available when we have word.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Road Maintainers for the Road and Bridge department of Moore County.

Pam Stevens tell these employees of the Moore County Road and Bridge how much their hard work meant to the livelihood of the Snead Ranch.  

A breakfast by Commissioners Court to show their appreciation to Road & Bridge personnel for their tireless efforts and a job well done during recent grass fires in Moore County. A menu of burritos, fruit tray and coffee cake`s was served in conjunction with regular monthly safety meeting.

The Snead Ranch greatly benefited from motor grader operators and support crews. When Pam Stevens of Snead-Pool Cattle Inc., Amarillo learned of this event, she asked if she could come and say a few words of appreciation to workers even offered to pickup tab for burritos.

The whole crew of the Road and Bridge Department of Moore County. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chamber Breakfast Scheduled For This Friday, May 6th

Friday May 6 is the next Networking Breakfast.  The breakfast will be held at the Dumas Noon
Lions Club Building at 7 a.m.  Jeff Turner, Chairman of the Board of our chamber and CEO
of Moore Count Hospital District and Dr. Roy Marokus, M.D. will be the guest speakers.
Dr. Marokus is heading up a new service being provided by MCHD.  The service is occupational medicine.  This new unit of the growing hospital will be able to provide great benefits to our area businesses and workforce.
Once again, the chamber’s Women’s Division will present the Good Neighbor Award and the Chamber's
Customer Service Award is to be presented.
Cost of the breakfast is $5.
Please call the Chamber at 935-2123 to RSVP.
Regular Session was called to order and invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was given by Michael L. Funk.  Commissioners approved of the April 18, 2011 Regular City Commission minutes and paying the bills.

It was announced at the meeting that Cal Ripken ball fields would have no smoking signs posted and the coaches are asking that everyone obey the signs.

Sayroth Khotsouvanh had requested utilities outside city limits but did not show up to state his case so this item was not considered.
Approved of Ordinance No. 1083 to vacate, abandon alleyway for Happy State Bank - Second &Final Reading
Commissioners approved a program using volunteers consisting of the Citizens On Patrol to enforce handicapped parking regulations in areas that were properly marked
A discussion on natural gas contracting and pricing ended with the City Manager given permission to lock in the gas prices.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Debbie Ferguson introduces LeRayne Donelson and Paula Graham as two ladies who were instrumental in helping get Casa 69 off the ground all those 25 years ago.

Paula Graham, Mary Sheehan, LeRayne Donelson - present a framed article that was published in The Co-op Power on January 1999 - CASA 69 Volunteers Battle for Abused Children and establish first court-appointed volunteer advocate program in rural Texas.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

From the looks of our sitemeter...YOU!

The HPO has set a record number of readers this month.

A big thanks to News Specialist Jackie Wiswell for making the HPO such an informative online site to read andfor covering local news and events that matter to you!

Dave Pelzer spoke to a full auditorium at the Dumas High School on Friday, April 29, 2011.  Dave is known for his work as a child abuse advocate and provides living proof that we can "stop the cycle" and can lead a fulfilling, rewarding life full of healthy relationships. His story was a stirring testament to the power of the human spirit and he has helped victims of abuse to come to terms with their own experiences.
Child advocate program, CASA 69, Inc.  invited Dave to speak at their 25th Anniversary Event, “Shining a Light of Hope.”  

A portable 28 x 60 building was donated from BP America Production Company from the Sunray Gas Plant.  This building will replace the portable building lost in the March 14th fire  that destroyed the building kept at the golf course for use by the golf team.