Friday, June 26, 2015

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Texas County & District Retirement System (TCDRS)

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Today is “Take Your Pet to Work Day”, but for Carolyn Moore, administrative assistant for the judge of Moore County, that’s every day. Daily, she brings her dogs, Gracie and Chance, to work with her. “Maltese are great inside dogs since they don't shed and they don’t bother people’s allergies,” Moore says. “They are also very well behaved and very social. Everyone here loves the dogs and attorneys that come in are impressed with a ‘pet-friendly’ courthouse. I work for a great judge who not only allows me to bring my dogs every day, but encourages it. It lightens the tension and the mood that sometimes prevails on docket days.”
This courthouse is also fortunate to have a courthouse cat. The blue-eyed Justice just showed up one day, happily accepted food and soon received shots and his own collar, as well. He often stays in the County Clerk’s office. “He just became part of the family,” Moore says.

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