Monday, July 21, 2014

Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Branch #64 Distributes Funds Voted On By Local Members

Joe Rivera accepting a check from Hochheim Prairie Insurance on behalf of Snack Pak 4 Kids
 from Branch #64 President, Jackie Wiswell
Vickie Ellis receives check for Salvation Army from
 Hochheim Prairie Insurance from Jackie Wiswell, Branch President

Sharon Taft, Branch #64 Treasurer for Hochheim Prairie Insurance presents
 Lisa Underwood with Moore County Senior Citizens check

Shelia Haltom accepts check on behalf of Meals on Wheels from
Hochheim Prairie Insurance Branch #64 President, Jackie Wiswell

Dumas Fire Department accepts check on behalf of National Fire Safety for their Children's Program
 in our public schools from Hochheim Prairie Insurance Branch #64 Treasurer, Sharon Taft.

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Dumas, TX also receives funds from Hochheim Insurance.  Marilyn Merriot accepts donation from Branch #64 Treasurer, Sharon Taft.


Carl Unlaub accepting Check from Hochheim Prairie Insurance Representatives Branch #64 Treasurer, Sharon Taft and Insurance Agent Kirk Pope.  Carl Unlaub accepted the check on behalf of Moore Boys Trust Fund.  This money helps with maintenance of the building used by the Boys Scouts of Moore County.  

What is a Farm Mutual?

Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Association is an Insurance Company organized on the mutual or cooperative plan under the provisions of Chapter 911 of the Texas Insurance Code for the purposes of writing rural and urban insurance for the mutual benefit of its members.

How Do I become a member?

Any person who insures property with Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Association becomes a member and remains a member as long as his/her insurance is in force.

What is a Branch?

A branch is a subordinate unit functioning under the Constitution and Bylaws of Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Association. It is composed of members organized for the purpose of membership recreation or membership welfare. Each year the branch board receives a lump sum equal to $5.00 for every member in effect on January 1 of that year. Referred to as member dues, the branch uses these funds for the benefit of the local members and their community.

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