Monday, December 2, 2013

Wishful Thinking

I sit here writing this post when I should be preparing to go to work....shower, make-up, dressing, etc.
Instead I am sitting here writing a post about how much I wish I could stay home with my dog and two cats.  I want to work, I just don't want to go to work!!  I want all the benefits of, insurance and the feel of accomplishment with a job well done.  I tried not going to work for three years and what it got me was a fun time with my grown son but then reality set in.  Bills, groceries, yada , yada.

I wrote for an online paper and loved it but at last it didn't pay the bills.  But it made me feel like I could do anything.  I want that feeling back.  I want to make money doing something I love.

So time to get ready and one day I will get that feeling back and make money doing it.

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