Thursday, January 12, 2012

DISD School Board Appreiciation

Click here to see pictures of School Board being thanked.

The school board met Monday evening to address the following agenda items.
Special Recognitions
Dumas Intermediate School teachers Kathy Bybee, Ashlee Breland and Tammy Stephenson were in attendance with some of their 6th grade PreAP math students. They gave the board an overview of the program, with each of the students explaining what they liked about the class.

We had a full house in observation of Texas School Board Appreciation Month. Campus principals and students expressed their appreciation to the board and then presented them with a gift certificate and thank you card.
A big thank you goes to our board members for the many, many hours they dedicate to the district. These community service positions not only come without a paycheck, but they also require an election in order to serve a three year term. Their service is greatly appreciated by the students, parents, staff and community of Dumas ISD!

Choir Concert Music
Jeanette Springer requested to address the board regarding music selections at school Christmas concerts. Due to the variety of cultures and religions in the district, she felt it important to take that into consideration when choosing music that may be religious in nature for a school concert.

The board listened to her concerns and responded that many of the songs performed were done for their historical music value, and due to the fact that Christmas is in fact the celebration of a

religious holiday, were quite often religious in nature. Students are always given the opportunity to opt out if they feel uncomfortable with the song, and there have actually been songs from other cultures also performed at the concerts.


Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Kirk Pope, seconded by Brent Clark and approved by a 6-0 board vote to accept the consent agenda as presented and to amend the budget as necessary in order to spend the funds as requested. (Kevin Weatherford was unable to attend the meeting.)

A. Minutes of the December 12, 2011 Regular Meeting

B. Gifts

• Diamond Shamrock Refinery (Valero) gave $2,500 for supplies in the boys’

basketball program at High School.

• DHS Golf Boosters donated $2,000 for high school golf travel.

Board Policy Update 92 – 2nd ReadingThis policy was presented at the previous board meeting for discussion. A motion was made by Patty Willis, seconded by Joe Ballard and carried with a 6-0 board vote to add, revise and delete local policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service, according to the Instructions Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 92.

Policy DMA (Local) Required Staff Development – 2nd ReadingThis policy was also presented for discussion at the previous meeting and returned as an action item.

The policy modification reflects the change in the name of New Jersey Writing Project to Abydos.

Motion to approve DMA (Local) as presented was made by Joe Ballard, seconded by Johnny Schmucker and carried 6-0.

Board Policy EIC (Local) – Class Rank – 2nd ReadingThis item was presented to the board at the previous meeting, but due to new information received by the district for consideration, a motion was made by Patty Willis to table the vote until a later time. Motion was seconded by Joe Ballard and carried with a 6-0 vote.
The following personnel items were presented to the board for approval.

A. Appointments: None

B. Resignations: None

C. Retirements: Jack Wilson, High School Volleyball Head Coach

Resignations and retirements do not require board approval, so no action was necessary on behalf of the board.


Funding Lawsuits
Four separate lawsuits have been filed against the State of Texas over the funding for public schools. Many school districts are now participating in one of the lawsuits either as a plaintiff or as a member of a group to provide financial resources.

The board discussed the merits and responsibilities of participating in this effort for equalizing the system of student funding calculation.
Enrollment Report
Current enrollment was 4,594 as opposed to 4,612 last week and 4,528 this time last year.

Construction Update

A construction update on current projects throughout the district was presented to the board.


Superintendent Evaluation
The board went into closed session to conduct the superintendent’s evaluation. Upon return to open session, a motion was made by Patty Willis, seconded by Joe Ballard and carried with a 6-0 board vote to approve the one year extension of Mark Stroebel’s contract.

A planning retreat was set for Saturday, January 21
st, with the next regular meeting scheduled for Monday, February 13, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Building.

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