Monday, January 24, 2011

Fast Facts About Your Local Boys Scouts Of America

Boy Scouts of America are represented by the Golden Spread Council located in Amarillo, TX.
The Golden Spread Council serves 26 counties in the Panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma, plus Happy, Texas.  Over 5,300 Scouts and nearly 1,900 adult volunteers are working in more than 225 scouting units throughout our served area.
Our Scouts have the opportunity to use more than 2,000 acres at 2 of our camp facilities such as:

o    Camp MK Brown, near Wheeler
o    Camp Don Harrington, near Canyon

The first Boy Scout Troop in the area started in Clarendon in 1916.  

The relationship between Lions Clubs International and Scouts dates back to the early 1900s.

As of January 11, 2005, U.S. Lions sponsored more than 2,879  Boy Scout units
which included 83,779 Scouts

Nearly 300 Boy Scouts have become Eagle Scouts over the past 5 years in this area.

There are currently two Cub Scout Packs: 3039 and 3047 in Dumas as well as one Boy Scout Troop 199.

The Cub Scout Pack 3039 is led by high quality leaders such as Kent and Trina Simnacher who proactively provide our young boys in Dumas with great leadership skills and fun activities.
Kent and Trina also encourage the boys to serve the community with a food bank for our troops, with the collaboration of the United Supermarket in Dumas.

Cub Scout Pack 3047 has a great program with the Church of Latter-day Saints and use the scouting program as a complementary way to teach their young boys good paths in life. Latter-Day Saints Church, President Gordon B Hinckley has stated:
"I love the Scouting movement. If every boy in America knew and observed the Scout Oath, we would do away with most of the jails and prisons in this country. This program builds boys, builds their futures, leads them on the right path so they can make something of their lives.  Every man or woman who helps a boy along the road of life not only does a great thing for him but does a great thing for society as a whole."

There are approximately 50 Cub Scouts in Moore County. We are always looking to "serve more boys"!

Sunray Cub Scout Pack 3036 has great enthusiasm to teach boys become great man through Scouting. The Cub Master Lindsey Reinart and the rest of the parents have put effort for years in order to have their boys enjoy different scouting activities

Boy Scout Troop 199 has outstanding leadership; Alan Alexander is the Scoutmaster, and
Kyle Carter is the Assistant Scoutmaster. This troop would love to serve more boys and spark the interest of a young man for scouting. This troop has a participation of 9 young boys.

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight. 

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