Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hatching In the Classroom Program

Attached are photos from Mrs. Raymond’s Class and Mrs. Mayfield’s Class at Sunray Elementary School. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Moore County just completed the Hatching in the Classroom Program in the elementary schools in Moore County. The Hatching in the Classroom program is targeted for

Elementary Students in Kindergarten – 4th grade. The students go through the 21 day hatching process and experience life from egg to chick. They experience the life process by way of egg and incubator and observed the day by day development of a chick and how that relates to other life processes. The students get to examine embryos, observe blood vessels developing inside the egg and learn how the chick develops from day one. This project introduces complex concepts and develops an appreciation for life and life science. This process invites children to make a hands-on connection to life cycles and life sciences.  We greatly appreciate all of the teachers who went through this program with their students, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wieck for their donation of the fertile eggs and the Family Farm Store for their donation of chick feed.

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