Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The 4-H Fashion Storyboard is an industry-inspired method of displaying of original designs. The best storyboards create vivid visual images that are interesting and appealing to viewers. The storyboard “tells the story” of the designer’s idea. The storyboard includes original illustrations and flats, as well as, additional materials (such as photos from the internet or magazines, paper, fabric swatches, patterns, etc.) that have influenced the unique design.

The purpose of the Fashion Storyboard contest is to give 4-H members an opportunity to create a storyboard of their original design. It also provides the members an opportunity to gain knowledge of the career responsibilities of a fashion designer and illustrator, enhance creativity and originality, and develop visual communication skills. Friday, April 1, 2016, several Moore County Youth participated in a county Storyboard competition with hopes of moving on to district competition later in the month.

The top three from each category, listed below will move on. Senior Jewelry: 1st- Yesenia Ruiz, 2nd Ashley Ortiz, 3rd- Jonathan Garcia Senior Non Wearable: 1st- Jaqueline Hinojosa, 2nd Shelton Shurley, 3rd- Beatriz Escarcega Senior Pet Clothing: 1st- Estefany Quinonez, 2nd Anette Saucedo, 3rd- Bailee McKay Senior Accessory: 1st- James Hudson, 2nd- Brady Friese, 3rd- Ashley Mendoza Senior Wearable: 1st- Monica Hernandez-Olivo, 2nd- Angelica Delatorre, 3rd- Galilea Marquez Intermediate Wearable: 1st Katie Simnacher Junior Pet Clothing: 1st- Haliee Martin Junior Jewelry: 1st- Chasidy Easterling, 2nd- Haven Martin Clover Kid Accessory: 1st Tara Easterling

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