Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The city commissioners discussed a problem that I'm not sure if it is their problem or landowners problem.  What I do know is the person who is responsible for creating the mess will probably never see any fines, punishment or nothing.  Remember I am now just giving you my opinion on this subject.  This is what I heard last night at the city meeting Monday night:

A man owed 100 acres of land on 8th Street that had been annexed into the city when the Business Park was annexed and asked the city for utilities and other benefits of being in the city.  As we all know if you want such benefits the landowner has to pay for it to be developed just like any other land developer.  Now this is where it gets interesting......of course the city had to deny services till this landowner gets with the city manager, city inspector and plat out this land for development if that is what he is wanting to do.  Nothing happens with land for a long time.  Sorry I forget how long ago said man asked for services.  But this is what makes me upset......this landowner later starts selling his land off in five acre increments telling the new owners that all they have to do is go to the city and request water and other benefits.  Grrrrrrr.  Shame on that landowner he knew they couldn't get service.  Now the city officials have the new landowners wanting service on land that a lot of them put their life savings into and now can not use this land because it was not developed for housing.  I fear that our city officials will not be able to help these new landowners because it really is not the city's place to pay for these services.  How can this group of people band together and come up with the money necessary to pay for city services?  That is the million dollar question that I fear will elude every body and nobody will be a winner in this scenario except the original landowner who took the money and ran.

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