Friday, April 24, 2015

Traveling Trophy, Clarendon and District Horse Judging.

Clarendon- 2nd Place Team Overall
2nd place team in Reasons and Halter
4th place team in Performance
Kyle- 2nd overall individual
Devan-3rd overall individual
Kody- Sr. Individual -5th overall

District 1 Champion Intermediate Horse Judging Team! 
1st Place team overall and in all categories of halter, performance and reasons. 
Team members: Devan Running, Kyle Stroebel, Kyler Weatherford, & Gillian Darcy. 
Devan placed 2nd overall, 3rd in performance, 4th in halter and 2nd in reasons.
Kyler placed 4th overall, 1st in halter and 1st in reasons. 
Kyle placed 6th overall, 2nd in halter and 4th in reasons. 
Gillan placed 5th in performance and 6th in reasons. 
Sarah Stovall competed as a Junior individual- 3rd overall, 1st halter,1st Reasons.
Kody Stroebel competed as a Senior individual- 3rd in performance and reasons
They weren't available for pics with awards.
They competed in 3 contest this season. Traveling Trophy, Clarendon and District Horse Judging. .
The Junior/Intermediate team consists of Kyle Stroebel, Kyler Weatherford, Devan Running, & Gillian Darcy. Sarah Stovall completed as a Junior and Kody Stroebel competed as a Senior. 

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