Monday, June 18, 2012

Local Charities In Dumas, TX Benefit From Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance.

These organizations have been chosen to be recipients for Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance donations for 2012.  A little bit of history on Hochheim Insurance which Kirk Pope with Stidham Insurance happens to be an agent for Hochheim  in Dumas, Texas. Hochheim Insurance started back in 1892 in Hochheim, Texas which is in Central Texas.  Settlers had grown accustomed to hardships in the day-to-day living on the vast blackland pastures. You have heard and seen the devastation of fires in the past years in Moore County and the rest of Texas so you can imagine what it was like back in 1892.  Fire raging on an isolated, unprotected prairie was the greatest fear and threat of all homes. 

Several of the blackland prairie farmers sat down together in the Hochheim Prairie School House, in 1892, and decided to organize a mutual insurance association. Because of those farmers way back then wanting to protect what was theirs, a local board of Directors of Hochheim Branch 64 gets to give back to our community today. Our branch is a part of an Association composed of local members in this area that each year votes to give back to the community money received for the benefit of the local members and their community. This group of recipients gets to be a part of that when they receive funds set aside to help our community.   It is the hope that this helps the Moore County community to meet its dreams as it was the dreams of those settlers long ago to have a secure future for their families regardless of what perils may have come their way.
 On behalf of Salvation Army, full time volunteer Vicki Ellis accepted a check from Treasurer, Sharon Taft.

Dumas Fire Department received a donation on behalf of
 the National Fire Safety Council program for the up coming school year.
Captain Larry Dutcher accepts check from Sharon Taft.

 Shelia Haltom, director of Meals on Wheels is accepting a check from Sharon Taft, Treasurer of Branch 64.

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Dumas, TX also receives funds from Hochheim Insurance.  Marilyn Merriot accepts donation from Treasurer, Sharon Taft.

Sharon Taft delivers a check to Diane Hoefling, President of the Moore County Senior Center.

Not picture but a recipient of funds from Hochheim is Golden Spread Council of Boy Scouts of America 

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