Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January is School Board Appreciation Month in Texas.


Board Secretary
Occupation: Business Owner
Term Expires: 2016


Board President
Occupation: Retired
Term Expires: 2017


Board Vice-President
Occupation: Insurance Agent
Term Expires: 2018


Board Member
Occupation:  Agriculture Sales Manager
Term Expires: 2018


Board Member
Occupation: Electrical Engineer with Valero
Term Expires: 2016


Board Member
Term Expires: 2018


Board Member
Occupation: Business Owner
Term Expires: 2017

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dumas City Commissioners Asked And Received Input On Dumas Avenue

County Commissioner Lynn Cartrite, Charles Skipworth owner of  Bob Self Shoes,
County Commissioner Milton Pax, Hotel owner Pritesh Bhakta all spoke on the subject of Dumas Avenue and a Relief Route.

Part of the crowd that came to speak and hear what others had to say.

City officials
Map of Dumas Avenue
The Dumas City Commissioners ask the public to come and express their views on Dumas Avenue.  The public had questions and comments.  The meeting lasted for two and a half hours.  The public was informed that whether the road was repaired with asphalt or concrete the utilities in Dumas Ave would have to be moved.  Mayor Pat Sims explained to those in attendance how research showed that TxDot owns the utilities.  The City Commissioners signed an affidavit concerning relocating city utility lines that hopefully will put the burden of the cost on TxDot to move the utilities.

Several citizens spoke of their concerns about Dumas Avenue being repaired and how it would affect their businesses.  Those that spoke were very concerned about how their customers will be able to get to their place of business.  Mayor Pat Sims tried to explain that repair of Dumas Avenue would happen but the citizens can have input about how it could happen.  Mayor Sims said the city is looking into how they can help customers get to the businesses.  Sims said that golf carts could be used to help.

There were a lot of debate of which was the least invasive method of repair to the businesses on Dumas Avenue.    Concrete vs. Asphalt.  The City Commissioners have been told that concrete could be a lot quicker but some of the citizens think asphalt would be.  The City Commissioners have been told that asphalt is seasonal and concrete could be poured most of the year.  Regardless, Mayor Pat Sims said the Commissioners wanted to hear what the citizens wanted.

The discussion did include talk of a relief route around Dumas.  If Dumas wants one the city can have a say in where it starts and ends.  TxDot in the past has said they would try to do what we want but no guarantee that it would be exactly where the City of Dumas would like it.  TxDot has to consider cost of any location we choose.

City Commissioner David Bonner stated today "Public Forum last night was very good. We heard input from so many citizens in our community and from some of our County Commissioners. Very useful. Thanks to all that attended and participated."

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Pictures of the Livestock show of 2016

 Kyle Stroebel with his Steer

Eric Mendoza with his Southdown Sheep

Cayman Ivins with her Breed Champion Landrace

Jessie Jones and her Berkshire 

Haley Montgomery and Faith Porras with their rabbits