Thursday, January 19, 2017

Three New Board Members for CASA 69, Inc.

CASA 69, Inc. (Court Appointed Special Advocate) is a nonprofit organization who trains community volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children in the court system. Currently we have 19 volunteers serving 48 children from Dallam, Hartley, Moore and Sherman Counties. We are governed by a Board of Directors with sixteen community volunteers that represent Dallam, Hartley, Moore and Sherman Counties. We began 2017 filling three openings with two new members for Moore County - Cindy Johnson and Bethany Scroggins and one new member from Dallam/Hartley Counties - Andy Hulett. All three have joined CASA 69 and will serve a three-year term. 

 Bethany and her family reside in Sunray and she works at MCHD as the External Marketing Representative and Care Coordinator. Bethany has been a CASA volunteer for a little over a year and has already worked three cases. She is anxious to put her marketing and fundraising experience to work to make a difference for our organization. Her community involvement includes membership in the Moore County Chamber of Commerce – Ladies Division, the Dumas Rotary Club and works on the Dumas ISD School Health Advisory Committee.

Cindy Johnson and her family live in Dumas and Cindy is the Office Manager for Moore County Road and Bridge Department. Cindy is very interested in being part of an organization that gives a voice for the children that is wanting to be heard but is afraid of speaking up. She brings ten years’ experience of being a pharmacy technician, ten years’ as the front desk manager for United Supermarket. Her community involvement has been serving on the Moore County United Way as Board President in conjunction with her spouse, working on committees for her children at their elementary school and her current involvement on the Demon Basketball and Baseball Booster Club to help CASA 69 make a difference in the lives of our future community leaders.

Andy Hulett and his family live in Dalhart and everyone knows Andy who is the Store Director for United Supermarkets. Andy has strong communication skills and uses them both in his career and home life. He is very dedicated and believes everyone should remain steadfast to their beliefs. He believes making a community strong is important and has served on the DISD Long Range Planning Committee, Rock Island Masonic Lodge, Dalhart Lions Club, Past President and Dalhart Chamber of Commerce, Past President to provide his leadership and ability to listen to improve the lives of those around him. CASA 69, Inc. hopes you will join us in welcoming Bethany, Cindy and Andy to our dedicated Board of Directors: Trent Cunningham, Kevin Douglas, Mike Ford, Stephanie Foust, Beth Moore, JoeAnn Moore and Terry Stegall from Dallam/Hartley Counties; Joli Hauser, Alicia Law, Wayne Smith and Steve Ulrey from Sherman County; Rowdy Rhoades, and Angela Warren from Moore County.