Friday, February 28, 2014

Ron Wilson Is Nominated For Good Neighbor Award

Angie Jordan presenting Ronnie Wilson with the Good Neighbor Award

McCoy Buchenau and family nominated Ronnie Wilson for the Good Neighbor Award

Ronnie Wilson has been McCoy's school bus driver for over 2 years, in this time he saw  the need for a wheelchair ramp.  Ronnie built this ramp for the Buchenau family to help make it easier for everyone to get McCoy in and out of their home.  Last summer McCoy got a new wheelchair that was wider than the ramp that Ronnie built for them.  When school started again and Ronnie saw that McCoy's chair would not go down the ramp any more.  Ronnie showed up after work to make the adjustments for McCoy to easily go up and down the ramp again.  Nominating Ronnie Wilson for the Good Neighbor award was one of the ways to say thanks to Ronnie Wilson.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

 The Cactus City Council has set a meeting to consider firing their city manager. The decision comes as a group of concerned citizens is announcing a petition to remove the city manager from his job.
The group called "Wake Up Cactus" decided to start circulating it after four police officers resigned over disagreements with the manager. The officers tell NewsChannel 10 10 the city manager was trying to have them arrest people who were speaking out against him at public meetings.
"Wake Up Cactus" hopes to get as many signatures as they can before the Tuesday City Council meeting at 7 p.m.

Christmas Open House by Museum