Sunday, October 12, 2014

Museum Day 2014

Museum Day at Window on the Plains Museum and The Art Center was celebrated September 29 with beautiful weather, a big crowd, flag-flying tractors, shinny cars and luscious homemade pies. Division winners in the car show were Steve Bodnar with a 1939 Ford, Glenn Wallick of Amarillo with a 1973 Pontiac Grand Am, John Hays with a 1958 Cameo pickup and Dudley and Marilyn Christian with a 1977 Corvette. In the pie contest, Nora Reed won the double crust pie division with an apricot pie. Sherry Harper won two divisions, the single crust division with a pecan cream cheese pie and the cream pie division with a coconut cream pie. Joan Criswell baked the winning cobbler with a fresh apple cobbler. Ted Ray Coleman of Hereford was winner of the lawnmower slalom. Mike Caldwell won the “stake killer” award for knocking down the most stakes during his run. Tractor Olympics winner were Don Dowdy of Amarillo for the slow race, William Proctor of Amarillo for the candy drop, Vince Meyer of Umbarger for the run and start. Ted Ray Coleman of Hereford won three divisions, the barrel roll, chain drag and trailer backing. Winner of the raffle for the 50” television was David Swinford. Painting winners were Barbara Johnson, Mike DeBons and David Swinford. Museum Day for 2015 will be September 26.
John Hays of Sunray won the "Best Truck" award in the car show
Mike Caldwell won the Stake Killer Award for knocking down the most stakes in the Lawnmower Slalom
Ted Ray Coleman of Hereford was winner of the Lawnmower Slalom
Winners of the "Best in the West" pie contest were, left to right, Nora Reed of Sunray, Joan Criswell and Sherry Harper.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Flag pole located at Morningside school.

Can you guess which school this flag pole is located?
It is on a school campus in Dumas, Texas

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Lone Star Dance Academy Hosted Business After Hours Networking Event

 Alexa Maples, David Tapp and Ashleigh Wiswell visit at the business after hours event at Lonestar Ballet's new location at 316 S. Bliss.
 Fun at the Business After Hours
Lonestar Ballet Staff

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Branch #64 Distributes Funds Voted On By Local Members

Joe Rivera accepting a check from Hochheim Prairie Insurance on behalf of Snack Pak 4 Kids
 from Branch #64 President, Jackie Wiswell
Vickie Ellis receives check for Salvation Army from
 Hochheim Prairie Insurance from Jackie Wiswell, Branch President

Sharon Taft, Branch #64 Treasurer for Hochheim Prairie Insurance presents
 Lisa Underwood with Moore County Senior Citizens check

Shelia Haltom accepts check on behalf of Meals on Wheels from
Hochheim Prairie Insurance Branch #64 President, Jackie Wiswell

Dumas Fire Department accepts check on behalf of National Fire Safety for their Children's Program
 in our public schools from Hochheim Prairie Insurance Branch #64 Treasurer, Sharon Taft.

Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Dumas, TX also receives funds from Hochheim Insurance.  Marilyn Merriot accepts donation from Branch #64 Treasurer, Sharon Taft.


Carl Unlaub accepting Check from Hochheim Prairie Insurance Representatives Branch #64 Treasurer, Sharon Taft and Insurance Agent Kirk Pope.  Carl Unlaub accepted the check on behalf of Moore Boys Trust Fund.  This money helps with maintenance of the building used by the Boys Scouts of Moore County.  

What is a Farm Mutual?

Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Association is an Insurance Company organized on the mutual or cooperative plan under the provisions of Chapter 911 of the Texas Insurance Code for the purposes of writing rural and urban insurance for the mutual benefit of its members.

How Do I become a member?

Any person who insures property with Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Association becomes a member and remains a member as long as his/her insurance is in force.

What is a Branch?

A branch is a subordinate unit functioning under the Constitution and Bylaws of Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Association. It is composed of members organized for the purpose of membership recreation or membership welfare. Each year the branch board receives a lump sum equal to $5.00 for every member in effect on January 1 of that year. Referred to as member dues, the branch uses these funds for the benefit of the local members and their community.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Warm Up Games Begin For the Southwest Regional Babe Ruth Softball Tournament.


Seen is a couple of the teams visiting from out of town
Warm-up games for the Southwest Regional Babe Ruth Softball Tournament are being played today in Dumas. Teams are competing in a multi-day, double-elimination tournament.  Go out to the softball complex to check out the action.

Volunteers Help With Regional Softball Tournament

July 16 a five-state regional softball tournament will began in Dumas. The ladies Babe Ruth Regional started off with an opening ceremony and an dinner on July 15. The Chamber fed approximately 2,500 people Tuesday night at the Moore County Community Building. Volunteers from the Dumas Noon Lions Club, Sunray Lions Club and Chamber are joined together with other community volunteers to serve the BBQ dinner. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Highlights from this year banquet

CEO of Chamber of Commerce, Sam Cartwright, Speaker Jim Bob Solsbery and Dee Vaughan, Chamber Chairman-Elect

Dumas High School Jazz Band

2013 Chamber award Recipient

Left to Right: Howard Bose is 2013 Farmer/Rancher of the Year, Kyle Humphrey is 2013 Chamber Volunteer of the Year, Ronnie DeShazo  is 2013 Small Business Recipient,  Yetta and Joe Rivera 2013 Citizen of the Year Recipient 

Greg Corcoran accepting 2013 Industry of the Year for Valero McKee Refinery

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Moore County Campus Lions Raised $500

Moore County Campus Lions raised $500.00 to donate to the Lions 2 T-I Eye Bank to help with their mission to provide sight saving surgery to citizens in the 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle who could otherwise afford the surgery.  Students earned this money preparing cashews, almonds and pecans last fall and selling the products. They operated the Dumas Noon Lions Bavarian Nut Wagon during the Fall Arts and Craft show at the Community Building. Two fund raisers were held on the Amarillo College Campus and a second community fund raiser was held during Candy Cane Lane. Students spent many volunteer hours cooking the nuts, packaging them and selling them. They were successful because of their dedicated work along the great Dumas community support they received. The Lions 2 T-1 Eye Bank presented the Omar Hermsmeyer Awards to the Dumas Noon Lions Club and to the Moore County Campus Lions Club for their hard work and dedication. 

$500.00 Check photo pictured from left to right:
Marisol Diaz; Allie Casanova; Pedro Hernandez, MCC Lions Boss Lion; Richard Franks, Lions 2- TI Eye Bank President; Mariela Trejo, MCC Lions Head Wrangler.

Omar Hermsmeyer Award Photo:

Pam Cox, Treasurer for Lions 2-T1 Eye Bank; Marisol Diaz, Allie Casanova, Richard Franks, Lions 2- T1 Eye Bank President; Pedro Hernandez, MCC Boss Lion; Alexa Maples, MCC Lions Club Sponsor.

The Lions are very appreciative of the great spirit of support from the Dumas Community. If you would like to join Dumas Noon Lions, or you are a college student and wish to join the Moore County Campus Lions, please call Alexa at 934-7242. It is GREAT to be a Lion!

Friday, March 7, 2014

mcc lions

Congratulations to Mariela Trejo and Pedro Hernandez for receiving each a  $500 scholarship from Dumas Noon Lions Club.  
Mariela Trejo and Jerry Galloway

Pedro Hernandez and Jerry Galloway

Friday, February 28, 2014

Ron Wilson Is Nominated For Good Neighbor Award

Angie Jordan presenting Ronnie Wilson with the Good Neighbor Award

McCoy Buchenau and family nominated Ronnie Wilson for the Good Neighbor Award

Ronnie Wilson has been McCoy's school bus driver for over 2 years, in this time he saw  the need for a wheelchair ramp.  Ronnie built this ramp for the Buchenau family to help make it easier for everyone to get McCoy in and out of their home.  Last summer McCoy got a new wheelchair that was wider than the ramp that Ronnie built for them.  When school started again and Ronnie saw that McCoy's chair would not go down the ramp any more.  Ronnie showed up after work to make the adjustments for McCoy to easily go up and down the ramp again.  Nominating Ronnie Wilson for the Good Neighbor award was one of the ways to say thanks to Ronnie Wilson.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

 The Cactus City Council has set a meeting to consider firing their city manager. The decision comes as a group of concerned citizens is announcing a petition to remove the city manager from his job.
The group called "Wake Up Cactus" decided to start circulating it after four police officers resigned over disagreements with the manager. The officers tell NewsChannel 10 10 the city manager was trying to have them arrest people who were speaking out against him at public meetings.
"Wake Up Cactus" hopes to get as many signatures as they can before the Tuesday City Council meeting at 7 p.m.

Christmas Open House by Museum

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Larry Appel Speaks To Dumas Noon Lions About Possibility Of New Hospital

Larry Appel speaking to the Dumas Noon Lions Club about building a new hospital and assisted living facility in Dumas, Texas.  Larry is part of the MCHD Citizen’s Committee explaining cost of renovation oppose to building a new hospital. Better facilities are needed and for a bit more a new one could be built.