Friday, July 29, 2011

The Dumas Fire Department will hold a memorial service to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the Diamond Shamrock McKee Refinery explosion and fire July 29, 1956.
The service will be held for the first time ever at Sunray at City Hall July 29, 2011 at 8:00 P.M.  The Dumas Fire Department would like to offer a special invitation to you and all in the community who would like to attend the service.  They will be paying tribute to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives to protect others in the community.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

blast from the past

Here is a blast from the past..........does anyone recognize this t-shirt and what was the year these seniors signed this shirt?

Monday, July 25, 2011

School Starts Soon

3rd Annual "Strut Your Stuff"

The 3rd Annual "Strut Your Stuff" Car Show is in memory of Elias Macias Jaquez.  Money from this car show will go to the family of Elias Macias Jaquez.  Strut Your Stuff Car Show would also like to honor all firemen in Cactus, Dumas and Sunray Fire Departments.
Low-Rider, Custom, Classic and Hot Rod

12 PM TO 7 PM

Car Show entry fee is $25
Stereo Competition entry fee is also $25
Raffle to Begin at 6 PM

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Operation Summer Showers

The long months of no rain, high winds and high heat have caused water demand to peak and municipalities’ supplies to plummet. Two of the biggest users of water in the summertime have to do with showers.  “The lack of showers outdoors results in an increase in lawn watering, while showering and other uses indoors account for most of the domestic water use year-round,” said Kirk Welch, North Plains Groundwater Conservation District, Public Information and Conservation Education Manager.

To help the residents of the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District save as much water as possible, the district, in cooperation with several cities and media outlets, is presenting “Operation: Summer Showers”. “Operation: Summer Showers” is designed to raise awareness about the importance of conservation through public service announcements on the radio and in the newspaper, combined with the distribution of free water-saving tools.

“Operation: Summer Showers is taking direct aim at some of the biggest users of water during this critical time of the year,” said Welch. “We citizens are really on the front lines of this effort, and the campaign gives us tools and mobilizes us all to do our part.” Low-flow showerheads and rain/sprinkler gauges are being distributed along with tips on how you can take good care of your lawn while not wasting water.

The free water-saving tools are available at the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District Office at 603 E 1st Street in Dumas and at City Hall in Booker, Spearman, Stinnett, Stratford, Dumas, Dalhart and Perryton. For more information on Operation Summer Showers call the district office at 806-935-6401, email, or log onto